Never Say Xever: Part 4

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Brooke's POV:

After a brief diagnosis from Donnie about my sprained wrist and putting it in a flexible support glove, I got a text from April telling us to get to Murakami's as fast as we could. I alert the team, and we rush to April's aid. Once we get there, we leap from the rooftops to stand in front of April as she paces outside the noodle shop with a worried look.

Me: "We're here, April."

Leo: "What's wrong?"

April: "It's Murakami."

We all burst into Murakami's noodle shop.

April: "Someone took him and left this."

She walks over to the wall on our left and gestures to a note hanging from the edge of a knife. Mikey pumps his fist into the air with a small smile.

Mikey: "Sweet! Free knife."

Donnie rolls his eyes as he turns to Mikey while I grab the note to read aloud.

Donnie: "The note, dummy."

Me: "No more running. If you want the old man, meet us on the roof of the fortune cookie factory. And bring the girl."

My eyes widen at the note mentioning me while Raph walks over to place a hand on my shoulder. He turns to the others with his fist clenched in the air.

Raph: "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's bust in there, and save Murakami."

Leo: "Not so fast. Think, Raphael."

Donnie turns to nudge April with a smirk.

Donnie: "There's two words that don't usually go together."

He then turns to face Leo with a serious look.

Leo: "This is obviously a trap."

Raph: "Well, what choice do we have?"

Leo smiles as a planforms in his head.

Leo: "Maybe we do need to think more like Xever."

Donnie: "But Master Splinter said-"

Leo turns to Donnie with a serious look before turning to face the rest of us.

Leo: "I know. But he crossed a line dragging Murakami into this. He's got to learn that we can cross lines too."

Leo crosses his arms with a confident grin.

Leo: "No more Mr. Nice Turtle."

Raph pumps his fist into the air with a smug grin.

Raph: "Yes! I never liked Mr. Nice Turtle."

{Time skip}

Leo: "Ok, he's strong, so speed & stealth are essential. Okay, everybody know the plan? Mikey?"

Mikey nods with a confident grin.

Mikey: "Yes."

We all turn to Mikey with wary looks.

Me: "Are you sure?"

Mikey: "Yes."

Leo: "Tell us what it is."

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