New Friend, Old Enemy: Part 4

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Brooke's POV:

After a while, Donnie & I have gotten the hang of Bradford's kata, while Raph & Leo are still trying.

Raph: "Not quite."

Leo: "Wait, I think I got it."

Leo then performs "The Death Dragon' without a hitch, right as Splinter walks in. His face is frozen in shock and I get the feeling that it has something to do with his past, and Shredder. His look changes to a stern frown.

Splinter: "Where did you learn that?!"

Leo: "Mikey learned it from his new friend."

Sensei turns to me for confirmation, so I nod respectfully. He then turns to face all of us at once.

Splinter: "The man who taught him that kata is no friend! It comes from the Shredder."

My eyes widen in shock. Bradford works with Shredder?

Leo: "You mean Bradford is one of his students?"

Splinter: "He must be."

So, Bradford lied to Mikey, my little brother, as a means to get to Splinter, my father, to please Shredder, our enemy?! Oh, this guy's so gonna get it! My fists clench as everything clicks into place in Leo's mind.

Leo: "So Bradford's just pretending to be Mikey's friend to get to you."

Raph: "Oh, what a relief! Everything makes sense again."

He & I share a quick glance before we turn to the others, our eyes wide with fear for our brother's safety.

Raph & I: "Mikey's in trouble!"

The guys then run out of the lair before Raph turns back to me.

Raph: "You coming, babe?"

I nod in confirmation.

Me: "I'll catch up with you in a sec. Let me just grab my kamas."

He gives me a look of confusion as I realize my mistake. I never go anywhere or do anything without a means of defending myself. He then glances at Splinter, then back to me as he gets the idea. He gives me a warm smile & nods as he rushes towards the lair's exit. I turn to Splinter with a respectable bow, a serious expression on my face as I rise to stand tall.

Me: "Do not worry, Master Splinter. Mark my words, no one, not even Shredder, will lay a hand on any of your sons on my watch. You have my word on that."

He gives me a warm smile as he nods in gratitude.

Splinter: "Thank you, my child. Now go, my sons need you now more than ever."

I nod before running out of the lair to catch up with the guys.

Me: *thoughts* "Hang on, Mikey. We're coming!"

{Time skip}

Once we reach the rooftop of where Bradford's keeping Mikey, Donnie uses a wad of gum, a pencil, and a compass to cut a hole through the glass of the skylight. He then reaches through the hole to unlock the window. We each drop ropes to the ground and slide down, being sure not to make any sounds and alert our enemies.

Once we land, we look to see Mikey hogtied and surrounded by ninjas of the Foot Clan. Leo draws his sword as I draw my kamas, alerting the guards to our presence. We manage to stay in the shadows and take them out one by one.  We then stepped into the light to alert Mikey that we've arrived. I kneel beside him to cut through the ropes as he looks to us with a relieved smile.

Mikey: "Guys, that was sporadic."

Leo & Raph shush him as Donnie facepalms.

Donnie: "That's not what that means."

Once the ropes are cut, Mikey rises to sit up. We then run out of the building, and leap across rooftops. We knew that Chris would be expecting our arrival, so we'd planned a trap for him on our way to save Mikey. We inform Mikey of our plan as we drop down into the sewers. We then hear the manhole cover being moved, so we fade into the shadows, Raph never leaving my side in case anything goes wrong.

We're surprised to see that Chris isn't alone. The Foot soldiers we expected, what we didn't expect was Chris being accompanied by another man. I guess he's also one of Shredder's proteges. As they walk towards our place of entrapment, we take out the Foot soldiers one by one. Once we all reach the aqueduct, the man lights a red flare for them to discover that their Foot Soldiers were hung from ropes unconscious.

Xever: "Show your faces!"

Chris: "They've trapped us. Take 'em down!"

We then begin fighting them. Raph & I are fighting Chris, while Leo, Donnie, & Mikey take on the other guy. Whoever he is, this guy has a serious obsession with using his feet as a method of self defense. He and Chris then stand back to back in surprise, the realization hitting them at last.

Chris: "They knew we were following them."

Mikey: "That's right. Sweep the leg!"

Mikey then goes to fight Chris head on, successfully beating him with his own kata. I then sneak up on Chris, & tap him on the shoulder. He turns to face me, and before he can try to fight me, I hit him square in the jaw.

Me: "That's for baiting my brother."

I then shove him to the edge of the tunnel.

Me: "That's for associating with the Shredder. And this..."

I then walk up to him with a stone-cold glare and give him a roundhouse kick to the stomach. He grunts in pain as he falls to the ground.

Me: "Is for thinking you could get away with it. Now, guys!"

Raph smirks as he and the guys shove Bradford's friend to Chris's side and pull the water valve, a flood washing the two villains away. We then walk to the edge as we watch them fall through the drain, Raph with his arm around my shoulder.

Raph: "That's my girl!"

Donnie: "Well, that didn't seem very fair."

Leo: "No, it wasn't."

Mikey: "High three!"

We then share a high-five as we head back to the lair.


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