Mousers Attack: Part 3

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Brooke's POV:

Leo: "What-"

Me: "The-"

Leo & I: "Heck?"

The robots grab the Dragons' loot and exit the way they came. I look around to see Fong running off with April's phone.

Me: "Oh, come on! Mikey, Donnie, you're with me, the rest of you try to shut these things down. If you need help, call us. We'll do the same with you."

Mikey and Donnie follow my lead as we rush after Fong. We follow him to an abandoned building and watch from the glass ceiling as he approaches Dogpound.

Mikey: "Aww, man. We can't take Dogpound on our own. Maybe we should wait for Leo & Raph."

Finally, someone on this team uses common sense. But before I can voice my agreement, Donnie expresses his disagreement.

Donnie: "And tell them we chickened out? Then they'll never stop calling us the 'B-Team'."

He has a point. Raph can tease them for as long as I can hold a grudge against him and Leo.

Me: "Alright, we'll use stealth. With the right plan, we can grab the phone without Dogpound ever seeing us. We'll need a diversion. Donnie, any ideas?"

Donnie: "How about this? We'll make them think the police are here. We'll need a bullhorn, some flashing lights, and a siren."

Mikey: "Operation: cop out!"

Donnie: "Or, we can make them think the place is on fire. We'll need a smoke machine, an orange light, and some firefighter jackets."

Mikey: "Operation: Burn Out."

Donnie: "Or, we could find the breaker box and shut off the power. We'll need -Um, nothing."

Mikey: "Operation: Blackout. No, lights out. No power out. This one's too good, I can't handle it."

Me: "Given our options, and how little time we have, I'd say 'Operation: Power Out' is our best bet."

Before we can put the plan into action, Leo calls me on my T-Phone.

Me: "Well, sounds like the so-called 'A-Team' needs a little help."

Leo: "What? No, of course not. We're, we're great. I'm just, uh, you know, checking to see if you guys need any help."

Mikey and Donnie give me pleading looks as I sigh in relent.

Me: "We're fine, Leo. Just call us if you need anything at all. No teasing, no nicknames, no nothing, ok? Please?"

I hear a rustling sound before Raph speaks up.

Raph: "Yeah, promise. Love you, A-Team."

I laugh as I take a breath with a smile.

Me: "Love you too, B-Team."

He chuckles before we end the call. Donnie puts a hand on my shoulder.

Donnie: "Thanks, Brooke."

Me: "Don't thank me yet. We still have to take down that monstrosity."

I gesture to Dogpound with my thumb through the ceiling. We turn as we notice more Purple Dragons entering the building, dragging Stockman?! Well, that explains those little robots. I cut a circle through the glass to hear what they're saying.

Stockman: "My Mousers are destroying the Turtles as we speak. Two of them, at least."

Dogpound: "So, you make robots. You must be good with electronics."

Stockman: "The best. There's nothing I can't build, hack, or fix."

Me: "That's not good."

Also, Raph's in big trouble for lying. Dogpound uses his claws to untie Stockman as he holds up April's phone.

Dogpound: "Could you hack into this phone?"

Stockman: "You insult me, sir. Something so easy would be a waste of my talents."

Dogpound: "Well then, start wasting your talents, before I waste you."

I gulp as I turn to Mikey as he & Donnie hack into the breaker box.

Donnie: "Ok, let's do this."

{Time skip}

We shut off the lights as we sneak into the building. I grab the phone as we rush off toward the exit. Suddenly, Dogpound starts rushing after us, hot on our tail, so we pick up our pace. Dogpound shoves me to the wall while pinning Mikey & Donnie to the ground. I groan as I hit the wall and land on the floor.

Mikey: "Well, that plan didn't work."

Dogpound: "Worked great for me. Get the chains."

Dogpound uses chains given to him by a Dragon to chain us up against a wall while Stockman hacks into April's phone.

Stockman: "We'll have access to the phone in about ten minutes."

Donnie: "You're wasting your time. There's nothing on it."

Me: "Donnie, remember the acking-tray ystem-say?"

Donnie's eyes widen in realization as Dogpound walks to stand directly in my face.

Dogpound: "If that phone tells me where Splinter is, I'll have no reason to keep the turtles alive. And if it doesn't, I'll get the answers out of you, girl."

I look at him with a glare.

Me: "Not on your life, kibble breath."

Dogpound: "Your spirit is strong. That'll make it more enjoyable when I bring you to Shredder for questioning. Then, he'll break that spirit slowly, piece by piece. Here, I'll give him a head start."

Dogpound raises his fist into the air until my T-Phone begins to ring. Dogpound grabs it, along with Mikey's and Donnie's.

Dogpound: "We'll check these next."

Donnie: "T-Phones, self destruct!"

The T-Phones do as we say, shocking Dogpound's hands as he drops them to the ground. He then glares at us with a growl. He then decides to finish what he started, giving me a black eye.

Stockman: "Almost done. 98, 99, yes 100! And processing, processing. Come on, and finished."

Right then, Leo and Raph bust through the glass ceiling.


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