Of Rats & Men: Part 2

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Brooke's POV:

A news report comes on TV of giant rats abducting people from the street, much to Casey's horror, given his fear of rats.

Leo: "We could really use your help, Sensei. Last time, you took that creep down with one punch."

Splinter: "Last time was different, Leonardo. The Rat King has grown too powerful. I do not fear for myself, but for what he could force me to do."

{Time skip}

Raph, April & Donnie take the patrol buggy out, with Mikey wearing a piece of cheese as they drag him by a rope.

Mikey: "Why do I have to wear the cheese?"

Raph: "We have to lead them away, and you're awesome at being bait."

Once they catch a giant rat's attention, Casey has to chase it from behind, much to his chagrin. Meanwhile, Leo and I take the Shellraiser to clear the path ahead of any debris. One of the rats hops onto the buggy, so I fire a trash bomb at it before Leo & I are ambushed by a trio of them.

Me: "A little help here, guys."

The Shellraiser gets knocked over onto its side while the others chase after a rat until it catches Casey and drags him off to the Rat King's hideout.

{Time skip}

When we return to the lair, Splinter informs us of what happened in our absence.

Splinter: "The Rat King peered into my mind to see what makes me unique. With that knowledge, he will create an army of rat people."

Raph: "We gotta stop him, Sensei."

Splinter: "I told you, he is too powerful, even for me."

Leo: "But Master Splinter, if there's one time we could use your help, it's now."

Splinter bangs his staff against the ground.

Splinter: "Enough! I will not put you in danger again."

April: "We believe in you, Sensei. We need your help, and so does Casey."

Splinter walks to his room, leaving the rest of us to think of a new way to stop this.

{Time skip}

After we've geared up with our weapons and smoke bombs, we head off to Falco's old hideout to find the people of New York hung up high above the ground in cages.

April: "There's Casey! And Irma?"

Donnie: "We can't let the humans see us, April. You have to free 'em."

Leo & I turn in surprise as Splinter places a hand on each of our shoulders.

Leo & I: "Sensei?"

Splinter: "It is time the Rat King is dethroned."

Leo: "I knew you wouldn't let us down."

Splinter: "If I should lose control, you do what you have to do."

Mikey smiles down at the cooler he brought, which probably contains the ice cream cat from earlier.

Mikey: "Nothing's gonna happen, 'cause I got my super secret weapon."

Me: "Let's go!"

April rushes off to let the humans go while the rest of us head up to find an advantage point against Falco. Just as I go to toss a blade at him, Splinter grabs my hand and pulls it behind me, his eyes glowing bright red.

Splinter: "No! Get out of my head!"

Rat King: "You're mine now, Splinter. Destroy your children. One by one."

Splinter yanks my arm around and forces me onto my back as he tries to force the blade onto my neck.

Mikey: "Forget that, Rat King! Ice Cream Kitty, away!"

Mikey tosses the cooler into the air, releasing the cat as it claws Falco's face, releasing Splinter from his mind control.

Donnie: "Is that April's cat?"

Mikey: "Absolutely not."

Splinter chases after the Rat King while the giant rats attack us. After a few minutes of fighting, the rats have either been knocked out or chased off to go further into the sewers.

Raph: "I think that's all the rats."

Leo: "But what about Sensei?"

Me: "I may have offered a little word of advice on that front."


Splinter: "If I should lose control, you do what you have to do."

Me: *telepathically* "I have a plan for that. He sees through your eyes and knows when you will strike next. But if you were to blindfold yourself, like in our previous lesson-"

Splinter: *telepathically* "Ah, very good, my student. I wish you luck."

Me: *telepathically* "Same to you."

I hand Splinter a blindfold, and we all leap off into action.


Donnie: "Of course! It's all about perception. Why didn't I think of that?"

Leo: "Nice job, Brooke. Way to be a team leader."

Me: "Eh, I have my moments."

After Splinter returns from his fight, we all head back to the lair for some rest to ease our minds, Splinter especially, and prepare for our next mission.

End of Season 2, Episode 5

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