I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman: Part 4

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Brooke's POV:

We find Stockman in an abandoned building thanks to Donnie's tracking device. While we stick to the shadows above him, he seems to be working on the suit.

Baxter: "I'm not Baxter Stockman. I am the Baxman! No, no, I am, the Suitinator! Aw, that's terrible! Captain Punch-You-Hard! Why is this so difficult?"

We leap to the ground in an attempt to surround him. Leo & Raph stand directly in front of him, with me standing between the two of them. Mikey stands on Leo's right, while Donnie stands on Raph's left.

Mikey: "I kinda like the Suitinator."

I laugh as Stockman turns to face us in surprise.

Baxter: "You guys again?"

Leo: "Alright, Stockman, no one wants to hurt you."

Raph turns to Leo in confusion.

Raph: "We don't? Did I miss a meeting?"

I glance at Raph with a warning glare before turning back to Stockman with a calm look of seriousness.

Me: "We just want the T-pod."

Stockman glares at us as he speaks, his tone getting angrier with every word.

Baxter: "Give up my source of power? Why? So you can laugh at me again? Throw me in a dumpster?!"

We freeze for a brief moment since that was our plan. Raph's look changes to a 'tough guy' grin.

Raph: "Sounds good to me."

He then charges Stockman with a battle cry. Just as he leaps to hit Stockman, Stockman hits him harder with some sort of upgrade to his suit, sending Raph flying through the air before he hits a wall.

Me: "Raph!"

The rest of us charge towards our attacker. Unfortunately, Stockman extends his suit's arms to grab Mikey & Donnie, throwing them to hit separate walls with grunts of pain. Leo & I hop onto each of the robotic arms, Leo slicing his sword along the way. Once we reach the shoulders, we each slice off both arms with our weapons. Stockman seems unfazed by our actions. Suddenly, the arm Leo cut off turns into a small robotic creature that leaps onto his face. Leo runs back & forth in panic, while I slice the creature that was heading towards me. Stockman laughs maniacally at the sight.

Leo: "Get it off! Get it off!"

Donnie & Raph pop out from piles of rubble, ready to pounce onto Stockman. Before they can, the robotic creature on Leo's head suit aims at them as he begins to shoot lasers at each of them.

Donnie: "Lasers! Run!"

The creature gives Leo an electric shock before he runs after Donnie & Raph, while they run in the opposite direction screaming. Mikey then pops out of a pile of rubble on the other side of the room. I facepalm before running to help the others.

Mikey: "Hey, Stockman!"

Mikey leaps to stand before Stockman, his nunchucks at the ready. He then shoots one out towards Stockman, wrapping him up in its chains. As Mikey tries to hold him in his entrapment, Stockman spins around laughing with a crazy look on his face. Mikey spins through the air screaming, not letting go of the nunchuck. Meanwhile, Donnie, Raph, & I manage to take cover from the lasers as Raph turns to Donnie for assistance.

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