Showdown: Part 1

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{A/N: I'm skipping over 'Operation: Break Out' since I don't see Brooke's presence having any significant changes}

Brooke's POV:

We're sitting in the living room as Leo watches 'Space Heroes' until Donnie walks in to turn off the TV.

Leo: "What are you doing? That's the final episode of Space Heroes!"

Donnie: "I've got something a little more important."

He leads us into the lab to explain.

Donnie: "April & I have been sifting through all this Kraang chatter, and, well, listen to what we translated."

Donnie plays a recording on the communication orb we snagged when we saved April's dad.

Kraang: "The final phase of the plan known as Kraang's invasion shall commence in the unit of time that is 6 hours. The Technodrome shall arrive from Dimension X through the portal."

Mikey: "Are you sure this is the translated version?"

Me: "They said in 6 hours, something called the Technodrome is coming through that portal."

Donnie: "This is the final phase of the Kraang invasion."

Leo: "Wait. But, I thought April was the key to the Kraang plot, and they don't have her."

Donnie: "If that Technodrome comes through that portal, well, it sounds like the end of the world."

Raph: "So what do we do?"

Leo: "We've gotta find a way to shut that portal down. It's up to us."

Mikey: "To save the world?"

Splinter: "Leonardo is right. When you first went up to the surface, I feared you were not ready. But I have come to realize that you are not only ready to become heroes, it was your destiny. And if the fate of the world must rest in somebody's hands, I am grateful it is yours."

We all bow and rush out of the lair until Splinter calls for my and Leo's attention.

Splinter: "Leonardo, Brooke. A moment please. With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission."

Leo & I: "Yes, Sensei."

Splinter: "No matter what you have to sacrifice, or who."

We both nod as Splinter walks off to the dojo. I place a hand on Leo's shoulder in reassurance.

Me: "Hey, we can do this. We're co-leaders, remember? We're in this together."

Leo nods with a grateful smile as we rush to follow the others. April's staying with Splinter and her father to defend the lair.

{Time skip}

After gearing up, suiting up, and devising a plan, we're ready.

Me: "Gentlemen, let's save the world."

We all climb into the Shellraiser and drive off into the night.

Leo: "All right, guys, we're gonna keep it simple. We go to TCRI and we use the micro-fission omni-disintegrator."

Me: "Which Donnie calculates is powerful enough to destroy the portal with a single shot."

Mikey: "Well, then why didn't we use it last time?"

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