Metalhead: Part 4

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Brooke's POV:

Mikey: "Donnie! Bangin' entrance, dude!"

Donnie: "You guys deal with the droids. I'll handle Metalhead."

The four of us leap into action, taking out all the Kraang-droids. Meanwhile, Donnie fights off Metalhead's advances for as long as he can. He succeeds for a while until Metalhead blasts the tip of his staff off. Donnie looks up to a corner in the ceiling, an idea suddenly popping into his head.

Donnie: "That might work. Hey, Kraang! The one who is called your mother wears the boots that are made for combat!"

Kraang (via Metalhead): "The comment that is made by you shows ignorance of Kraang! The ones known by you as mother-"

Donnie: "Just come get me!"

Donnie leaps through the air to stand behind Metalhead, dodging the lasers aimed at him and knocking over a metal beam. As the metal beam gets closer, Donnie crouches down and raises his staff to hold the metal beam up. Once the beam hits the end of his bo staff, Donnie opens his eyes to see that his bo staff also went through Metalhead, causing him to short-circuit before shutting down. The Kraang that controlled Metalhead crawls away in fear at the prospect of getting further damage to his defenses. Donnie smiles as he yells out Mikey's catchphrase.

Donnie: "Booyakasha!"

Mikey: "Sounds weird when he says it."

Raph: "Sounds weird when you say it."

I nudge Raph's shoulder with a smirk before turning to Donnie with a sympathetic look. We then walk up to Donnie in an attempt to cheer him up.

Mikey: "Nice job, bro!"

Leo: "Way to go, Donnie."

Raph: "Yeah, not bad. Except for that part where you built the thing in the first place. And the part where it broke. And the part where it tried to kill us. And the part-"

Donnie: "Ok, I get it."

Donnie looks to the ground with a sad smile. I turn to Raph with a warning look before turning to Donnie to place a hand on his shoulder.

Me: "At least your heart was in the right place. Besides, not every invention turns out perfect the first time around. After a few tweaks to Metalhead's system, he'll be good as new. Maybe even better, knowing you."

He sends me a warm smile as he nods.

{Time skip}

Leo, Mikey, & Raph are huddled around a video game while I sit in the living room next to Donnie in an attempt to help him as he works on one of his latest inventions, a disappointed look on his face. Splinter walks up to us from behind with a calm expression.

Splinter: "What troubles you, my children?"

Me: "Nothing for me, Sensei. Just helping my big brother out however I can."

Donnie sends me a warm smile before turning to face Splinter with his previously somber look.

Donnie: "And it's greatly appreciated, sis. But, this was all my fault."

Splinter: "You are responsible, yes."

While I understand what he's trying to say, Donnie turns to the floor in thought. I look to Sensei as we nod before listing off all the good things he's responsible for tonight.

Splinter: "Responsible for destroying the mutagen."

Me: "Responsible for saving the people of this city, including April."

Splinter: "Responsible for defeating advanced technology using only ingenuity-"

Me: "Bravery."

Splinter & I: "And a stick."

Donnie turns to both of us with a smile before rising to stand.

Donnie: "Thanks, guys. Maybe you're right."

Splinter: "I am."

Me: "He is."

Donnie: "You're both right. I guess with proper training, there's nothing better than a wooden stick. Except a laser guided, missile-launching wooden stick."

Donnie lightly bops the end of his invention on the ground, causing it to start beeping. The beeping gets faster by the second as Donnie turns to it with a concerned look. The staff starts buzzing as the others turn to Donnie with concern.

Donnie: "It's not supposed to do that. Run!"

While the others run off screaming, Splinter & I smile and shake our heads. It may not seem like the ideal situation for you, but for us, this is what we'd call a quiet night at home. I can't imagine my life anywhere else, especially not when I have these guys at my side. They're my brothers, my loves, my family, and...

My heroes in a half-shell!

End of Episode Five

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