I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman: Part 3

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Brooke's POV:

While I'm keeping my lack of a good night's sleep under wraps, the guys are not succeeding in doing so. They either lack the proper stances, fall over too easily, or take too long to defend themselves against their opponent. This isn't going unnoticed by Splinter, which is the real reason we were concerned about our lackluster performance in today's training.

Splinter: "Knees higher, Leonardo! Extend, Michelangelo! Raphael, you call that a Koho Tenkai? Because I do not! Yame!"

We walk to kneel before him.

Splinter: "Hmm. Is there something you want to tell me?"

Mikey: "Something we 'want' to tell you? Nope."

Splinter: "You four seem tired."

Leo: "We're not."

Donnie: "Wide awake."

Raph: "Fresh as daisies."

They all smile widely for emphasis, until Mikey yawns & falls over with a thud. Splinter turns to me for confirmation.

Splinter: "Brooke?"

I don't know what to do. I've never lied to Dad, but I don't want to get the guys in trouble. Then I remember that I'm not just their leader, I'm their sister. I'm supposed to protect them by any means necessary, no matter the cost. I look to the guys before turning to Splinter with a look of seriousness.

Me: "Guess they must've stayed up late watching TV, reading comics, or working in the lab."

I catch the guys smiling in gratitude out of the corner of my eye before they turn to Splinter, hoping that he believes me.

Splinter: "Hmm. So, you boys would not reject a little Randori."

Mikey: "Well-"

Before Mikey can finish, Splinter whacks them all on the shell with a wooden staff. So much for my protecting them. The guys are now sprawled out on the floor, groaning in pain. Splinter walks off to his room, but not before he gives us a final warning.

Splinter: "I hope you have learned, students, that truth isn't the only thing that hurts."

The guys turn to me with smiles, still slightly groaning in pain.

Leo: "Thanks for covering for us, Brooke."

The others nod in agreement as I glance at the floor with a frown before turning to face them with a soft smile.

Me: "Well, it wasn't easy for me. But, we're a team. We stick up for one another, no matter the consequences."

We all head to the living room, except Donnie, who walked to the lab to work on his next project. Leo's sitting on the floor close to the TV watching yet another episode of 'Space Heroes', Mikey's sitting on the opposite side of the room reading a comic book, while Raph's on the couch reading 'Modern Ninja Magazine.' I'm lying against his plastron half-asleep from the exhaustion of this morning's events. Leo bore a wide smile as the episode reached a cheesy dramatic moment.

Raph: "Seen this enough times there, chief?"

Leo: "Shh, this is the best part."

My eyes jolt open as the program switches to a 'Breaking News' segment. Raph kisses my forehead to ease my nerves before we both turn to see what was so important.

Carlos: "We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news. We've received shocking footage of an assault on the T.C.R.I office complex in Brooklyn."

The screen changes to show the man from last night, his suit seemingly upgraded to be more powerful, as he attacks his former co-workers. He then begins a villainous monologue, again. Before he can finish, a worker interrupts him as they recognize him.

Worker: "Hey. everybody, it's Baxter Stockman."

Raph: "I think his name is Baxter Stockman."

I smirk at his sarcasm, which he returns with a similar look of teasing. We then turn to Leo as he asks the same thing I'm wondering.

Leo: "How did he upgrade his armor so fast?"

Donnie then exits the lab to stand beside us. I turn back to the screen as I notice something at the center of Stockman's mechanical armor.

Me: "Wait, isn't that..?"

I grab the remote to pause the screen. Our eyes widen in realization. It's the T-pod, only now it's glowing red instead of green.

Donnie: "He has the T-pod?"

We turn to Mikey as he gives us a nervous look.

Mikey: "Oh, um, I might've dropped that during the fight."

Donnie walks to stand over Mikey as he bends backwards in fear of Donnie's anger.

Donnie: "You dropped it during the fight?! Nice going, Mikey!"

Mikey then stands straight with a look of defensive anger.

Mikey: "It's your fault!"

Donnie: "How is it my fault?"

Mikey: "You know I can't be trusted with nice things!"

Donnie glares at Mikey as he recoils in defeat. I rush to stand between them, my hands extended towards each of them.

Me: "Alright, guys, that's enough! Let's focus on what to do about this guy."

Leo: "Agreed. So the A.I. chip is upgrading his armor the same way it upgraded the T-pod?"

Donnie turns to Leo with a look of seriousness, his temper calmed by my intervention.

Donnie: "And if it keeps going, there's no telling how powerful he'll get."

Leo: "This has gone way too far. We have to tell Splinter about this, about everything."

Raph: "What? That we turned some nut-job into a super villain? Do you know what he'll do to us for that? I mean, he pounded us into the ground just for being sleepy!"

Me: "Babe, he deserves the truth. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to look him directly in the eye and lie through my teeth?! I'm part of this team's leadership, I'm supposed to set an example for you guys. I can't do that if this 'Stockman' thing takes a turn for the worse."

Donnie puts an arm around my shoulder in reassurance.

Donnie: "Hey, hey, don't worry, sis. We can fix this."

He turns to the others to speak to all of us simultaneously.

Donnie: "Look, we beat Stockman once, we can beat him again. We track him down, grab the T-pod, and get back here before Splinter knows anything."

Mikey: "If my opinion counts for anything, Donnie & Brooke are both right."

I send Mikey a grateful smile as Donnie does the same.

Me: "Thanks, Mikey. Alright, let's kick some shell!"


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