I, Monster: Part 2

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Brooke's POV:

We're all off doing our own thing when Splinter yells out in pain from the dojo. We all rush to his aid and help him up as he's fallen over to the ground.

Donnie: "Sensei, are you ok?"

Splinter: "I am fine."

Leo: "Are you sure you're all right? You don't seem-"

Right then, I get a call from April on my T-phone.

Me: "April, now's not a good time."

April: "Brooke, I need some help. I'm having a little bit of a, pest problem."

Me: *sighs* "Alright, we'll be right there."

I hang up the call and turn to Splinter with an apologetic look.

Splinter: "Go. I shall meditate for a while."

I nod as we all rush out into the city.

Mikey: "Oh, wow. The city looks so beautiful in the daytime. Except for the, you know, billions of rats."

Donnie: "Actually, the entire rat population of New York is only about 36 million, which-"

Raph: "I will smack you out of your shell."

Leo: "Guys, we may have a bit of a problem."

We stop atop a roof across the street from April, who's hanging from a telephone pole as dozens of rats surround her from below.

Mikey: "Oh, rats. Get it?"

Raph: "For the 14th time, yes."

We all aim our grappling hooks towards the top of the pole and swing over to climb up towards April.

Raph: "These stupid rats are starting to get on my nerves."

Donnie: "Rats aren't stupid. Despite their small brain size, they're remarkably-"

Raph throws a rat at Donnie's head.

Donnie: "Ow!"

Raph: "I warned you."

Me: "Raph, put down the rat and keep climbing."

April: "Hurry!"

The rats chew through the bottom of the pole as it tilts forward, flinging April into the air for Donnie to catch.

Donnie: "As long as Donnie's here, you have nothing to-Oh, boy."

The pole loses its balance, and we end up dangling sideways by our hands.

April: "Ok. I appreciate you guys coming to help, but how is this better than getting eaten by rats?"

Mikey: "At least it'll be quick. With rats, they chew and chew and chew and chew and chew-"

Me: "We get it. Let's move."

We swing to stand atop the pole and carefully slide across to the end. The wires snap as we land on a nearby roof.

Leo: "Chew on that, rat finks!-*pauses*-Oh, come on. That sounded cool."

April: "Does anyone know what the heck is going on?"

Donnie: "I'm not sure. But whatever it is, this attack is extremely well coordinated. Obviously, there is a higher intelligence at work here."

Raph: "Well, that rules out Mikey."

Donnie: "I'm serious. Someone or something is controlling every rat in the city."

Raph: "Wait a sec. Every rat?"

{Time skip}

We reach the lair to find Splinter in a deep sleep.

April: "Is he ok?"

Raph: "Donnie, you and Brooke are the smart ones. What do we do?"

Donnie: "Maybe we should poke him?"

Leo: "Good idea. Mikey, you poke him."

Mikey: "No way, I'm not poking him. You poke him."

Leo: "Ok, we'll put it to a vote."

Turtles & I: "Mikey."

Mikey: "I want a recount."

I hand Mikey Donnie's bo staff, ensuring that the blade's end is opposite Splinter as Mikey begins to poke him repeatedly.

Mikey: "Whoa, he is totally out of it."

Me: "I'm not so sure that's a good thing."

Raph places a hand on my shoulder as Mikey begins moving Splinter's lips with an impression of him.

Mikey: *as Splinter* "Michelangelo is awesome. He is the smartest, handsomest, butt-kicking-est of all my-"

Splinter awakens, grabbing the bo staff and flinging Mikey over to the other side of the room as Leo and I approach him.

Leo: "Sensei, are you ok?"

Splinter: "No, Leonardo. I am not. It would appear that your former adversary, Dr. Falco, has returned."

Donnie: "Falco's behind this. How is that possible?"

We follow Splinter into the dojo.

Splinter: "Somehow he has acquired a telepathic connection with every rat in New York. And he now calls himself, 'The Rat King'."

Mikey: "Oh, great. So now we're letting the bad guys name themselves? We gotta take him down."

Splinter: "Yes, Michelangelo, you do. The Rat King will not rest until he has total control of the city, and my mind."

Me: "Sensei?"

Splinter: "Everything I knew is gone. My wife, my daughter, my clan, even my humanity. You five are all I have left."

Raph: "Don't you worry, Sensei. We'll stop him."

Donnie: "But we gotta find him first."

Splinter: "When the Rat King attempted to take control of me, I could see into his mind. You will find his lair in an abandoned utility junction beneath Herald Square."

Raph: "Let's go play exterminator."

Splinter groans in pain, clutching his head as April and I approach him.

Me: "Fight him, Sensei."

Splinter: "I will. Just hurry."

April: "It's ok, guys. You go after the Rat King, I'll stay with Sensei."

I nod as April and Sensei walk to the kitchen for some tea. I remain frozen as I watch them walk away, mainly Splinter. He is the only father I have and the only one I can remember, and I'm not letting that go for anything in the world.

Raph: "Brooke? You ok?"

I take a deep breath and turn to walk out of the lair, the brothers following from behind.


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