Kraang Conspiracy: Part 2

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Brooke's POV:

Kurtzman: "Here's the plan. You infiltrate TCRI, then wipe out all the data the Kraang have on April & Brooke's DNA."

April: "Infiltrate TCRI? I thought you guys blew that place up."

We hop out of the Shellraiser to see a new and improved TCRI. Suddenly all these memories made me a little uneasy about this plan.

Raph: "Hey, you alright?"

Me: "Yeah, yeah. This is just a lot for me to process."

Leo: "We break in, erase the DNA codes, and get out. Infiltration only."

April: "Let's do this!"

Leo: "Great, you & Kurtzman stay outside on look-out."

April: "Stay outside? On lookout?"

Kurtzman: "Take this. It's a keycard I stole from one of their vans. It'll get you into TCRI."

Me: "Thanks."

Kurtzman: "Good luck."

The turtles and I head off to a rooftop across the street from TCRI when we turn around to see April climbing up the side.

Leo: "Alright, April, stay here and maintain radio communication."

April: "But, I want in on the action, too."

Donnie: "Don't worry. We'll be back in two shakes of a Kraang tentacle."

Raph hops onto the zip line, and I follow after him. We walk into a room full of charging Kraang-droids, and Mikey pokes one of them in the nose with a laugh.

Mikey: "Dudes, they're faces are all rubber-y and stuff. Check it out."

He then proceeds to move their mouths to 'speak'.

Mikey: "Blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah-blah, Donnie stinks. Blah-blah-blah."

Leo: "Stop that! We gotta move before they wake up."

Suddenly, April leaps down from the roof to stand before us.

Raph & I: "April?"

Me: "What are you doing here?"

April: "I told you. I'm sick of sitting on the sidelines."

Leo: "Fine. Just be quiet, stay close, and do not let Mikey touch anything."

Suddenly, the Kraang-droids start beeping.

Mikey: "Wasn't me."

Donnie: "I think they're done charging. Let's get out of here!"

We rush out towards the elevator and immediately close the doors before any of the droids see us.

Leo: "Phew. Not bad so far."

I swipe the keycard from Kurtzman, and the elevator takes us up to level 40.

Raph: "This music is making my ears bleed."

When we reach level 40, we walk into a room full of Kraang floating around a holographic version of them.

Raph: "What's going on, Donnie?"

Donnie: "It's a Kraang sweet 16 birthday party! How am I supposed to know?"

I can feel my powers kicking in right then, and April's supposedly do the same.

Me: "It's Kraang Prime."

April: "They're meditating, communicating. We can hear their thoughts."

Mikey: "Whoa, you guys are, like, tele-pathetic."

Kraang Prime: "The experiment is nearly complete. Despite setbacks, the mutagen will be ready as planned."

Me: "They're talking about invasion."

Kraang Prime: "Soon, we will transform the Earth and all of its hideous people."

April lets out a gasp, accidentally informing the Kraang of our presence.

Kraang Prime: "What? Intruders?"

Mikey: "Um, guys, what are we thinking?"

Leo & I: "Run!"

Raph: "Some stealth mission."

We all turn as the robot from April's high school approaches us.

Mikey: "It's that freaky chic with the exploding elbows!"

Her left elbow fires a missile while the other droids open fire with their ray guns.

Leo: "We gotta get to that door!"

Suddenly, a droid approaches April from behind and grabs her arm. Ok, Plan B. I slice through its arm and speak loudly enough for all the droids to hear me.

Me: "I am Project '8-R-0-0-K-3', a clone of April O'Neil and a more modern form of the DNA you seek. You want it? Come and get it!"

All the droids surround me while the others look stunned at the sudden change of events.

Me: "Guys, go! I'll hold them off!"

Raph: "No way! We are not doing this again."

Suddenly, a trio of drones grab me tightly from behind and drag me from the room.

Raph: "Brooke!"

Then, a cloth is placed over my face, and I fall out of consciousness the minute I gasp for air.


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