Pulverizer Returns: Part 2

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Brooke's POV:

Later that evening, Splinter calls us into the dojo.

Splinter: "You five have defeated much of the Foot Clan with ease."

Raph: "Why does he make that sound like a bad thing?"

Splinter: "Because you have grown complacent! Each of you has become dependent on your own weapon. But there are times when you may not be able to fight with what you know. And when that happens, you must adapt to your environment."

Mikey: "Oh, yeah? What if there's only, say, a comic book?"

Splinter thwacks the comic into Mikey's face to knock him over.

Splinter: "Anything can be a weapon."

Raph: "Sensei, you can't seriously send us out there armed with nothing but a comic book."

Splinter: "For a ninja, anything can be a weapon."

Leo: "So what do you want us to do?"

Splinter: "I want you to embrace the unfamiliar. Boys, switch weapons. Brooke, you will temporarily be given a new weapon until you've mastered its proper technique."

Mikey gets Leo's katanas, Leo gets Donnie's staff, Donnie gets Raph's sais, Raph gets Mikey's nunchucks, and Splinter trades my kamas for a pair of naginatas.

Mikey: "Look, I'm Leo! -*imitating Leo*-Guys, we have to be quiet. Ninjas are quiet. Quiet down."

Donnie & Raph laugh as Leo dons an annoyed look.

Leo: "I sound nothing like that!"

Raph: "Yes, that's why we're laughing, because you sound nothing like that."

Splinter: "Face each other. Brooke, spar alone. Hajime!"

I nod and begin attacking the air before me with my new weapon while the guys go up against one another with nervous looks. Raph accidentally hits himself in the face, Leo trips over the staff, Mikey lets go of the katanas, and Donnie pokes himself in the face. It takes me a while, but I eventually get used to the difference in weight from my kamas to the naginatas.

Splinter: "Yame!"

Mikey: "That was messed up."

Splinter: "You will continue to fight this way. It will teach you resourcefulness and versatility."

Raph unties himself from the nunchucks.

Mikey: "Not so easy, is it?"

Raph: "Hey, I'm getting the hang of it."

{Time skip}

Later, in the living room, Mikey's using the katanas to eat pizza, Raph's practicing spinning the nunchucks through the air, Leo practices swinging the bo staff around, and I'm still adjusting to the naginatas. Donnie's fiddling with the sais when he gets a text on his T-Phone.

 Donnie: "Text message from everybody-but-Mikey-knows-who. The Pulverizer is telling us where the Foot are gonna strike next."

Raph: "What do you know? He's actually useful."

Donnie: "Yeah, but he can't stay in the Foot. They'll toast him."

Raph: "Inside information, Donnie? It's worth the risk."

Me: "You weren't saying the same thing when April & I snuck into Shredder's lair.

Raph: "Because it was a surprise, and you got caught and tied up in their van."

Donnie: "But this time we're not the ones taking the risk, the Pulverizer is."

Leo: *sighs* "All right, we'll follow up on his lead and then bust the poor guy out of the Foot."

Mikey: "Excuse me? I'm the sword guy. I make the decisions here along with Brooke. Uh, what Leo said."

{Time skip}

We meet with Pulverizer in an abandoned alleyway and pull him behind a nearby dumpster in case the Foot followed him.

Pulverizer: "Oh, hey, great. You got the message. I have some information for you."

Donnie: "Great, great, but we're getting you out of here first."

We all turn to see Dogpound & Fishface standing at the alley's entrance with an army of Foot soldiers.

Raph: "As soon as we get ourselves out of here."

Me: "Just stay behind us and-"

Pulverizer: "Help! It's the Turtles & Queen B! They've got me!-*whispered*-Sorry, guys. Can't blow my cover."

Mikey: "Not cool, bro."

Leo: "Spread out."

Mikey: "As the one with the swords, I say, retreat!"

Leo: "Having the swords doesn't make you co-leader."

Leo lunges towards Dogpound with the bo staff, only to be flung into the wall behind us.

Leo: "Not that it's a bad idea. Retreat!"

Dogpound tries to hit Raph & Leo, Fishface takes me, a pair of Foot soldiers have Donnie, and the rest take on Mikey. He ducks as Raph nearly hits him in the face with the nunchucks.

Mikey: "Watch where you swing that thing."

Leo: "You should talk."

Mikey turns around to see that he has the katana aimed at Leo's neck.

Mikey: "Sorry. My bad."

Donnie: "This won't work."

Suddenly, we're cornered by Dogpound & Fishface.


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