Mikey Gets Shellacne: Part 3/Slash & Destroy

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Brooke's POV:

A few minutes after our discussion, I went to Mikey's room to cheer him up, only to find he was gone. I told Raph and agreed that he must've run off to Stockman's old lab. We arrive in time to see Mikey being attacked by a mutant werewolf, so Raph tosses a sai and kicks him away from Mikey.

Mikey: "Oh, hey, guys."

Leo: "You're lucky Brooke noticed you were gone in time, Mikey."

Raph: "Even luckier that she & I knew you'd come here."

Me: "Also, who's the werewolf?"

Mikey: "It's Dogpound. He fell into the vat of mutagen. I call him 'Rahzar' now."

Rahzar roars as Leo attacks him, only to be kicked to the opposite side of the room. Then, Raph, Donnie & I lunge forward through the air, but he grabs us and throws us over to Leo. Meanwhile, Mikey grabs the centrifuge before being attacked by Rahzar. Raph and I stand to help him when Fishface approaches us, and Baxter sicks his mousers on Leo and Donnie.

Mikey: "Guys, I'm bursting at the seams. And Rahzar's gonna pop me!"

Mikey ducks as Rahzar sticks his claws into an electrical socket.

Mikey: "Yeah, you just got shell-shocked, son!"

Donnie: "Everyone, to high ground! Now!"

We all leap towards the banisters as Donnie sets off the sprinkler system, causing everyone down low to get electrocuted and the mousers shut down.

Mikey: "Dude, I'm about to pop and I think we destroyed the centri-fudge."

Raph: "Don't be so sure."

Raph holds up the centrifuge, and Mikey smiles as we rush toward the lair.

{Time skip}

Donnie: "Antidote's ready, Mikey."

Mikey grabs the acne pads and rubs them all over himself.

Leo: "Did you have to put the antidote on those acne pads?"

Donnie: "No, but it is hilarious."

Me: "You are one evil genius, Donatello."

Donnie and I fist-bump as Mikey turns to us with a wide smile.

Mikey: "It worked! Look at me. Yeah, boy! I'm super cute again."

Mikey lifts Donnie into a hug.

Mikey: "Thanks, Donnie! You're the best!"

Right then, Splinter walks into the room.

Splinter: "I must commend you on your resolve, Michelangelo. You thought you needed to improve yourself, but you had everything you already needed inside."

Mikey: "See, guys? Who was right about Baxter's secret hideout? Huh? Me? Yup."

Leo: "You had no clue."

Donnie: "Oh, no. Mikey, you have a zit forming on the end of your nose!"

Mikey: "Are you kidding me? No! Why?"

Mikey looks down at his nose to see that there's nothing there. I step to the side as the guys start to laugh.

Mikey: "Donnie, I'm gonna-"

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