Kraang Conspiracy: Part 1

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Brooke's POV:

So, April's our friend again, and ever since we lost Spike, AKA Slash, he's been a little out of it. Hopefully, having our friend back will help to lighten the mood around the lair. Tonight, we're all running across rooftops, April slightly lagging. I've slowed my pace to match hers to show that I sympathize so she's not entirely left behind, and partially because my ribs, though mostly healed, are still sore.

April: "I never understood how turtles could be so fast."

Me: "Welcome to the first two years of my training."

Mikey: "Come on, April. This is just the warm-up."

April: "The warm-up? For 2 hours?"

Leo: "That's what ninjas do. Training sometimes last 4-5 hours at a time. Awesome, right?"

April: "Ugh, are you kidding me? I'm gonna puke! What about a real mission?"

Raph: "It took 10-15 years of training before Master Splinter let us go on a 'real mission'. You got a long way to go, sister."

Donnie: "Not that long. A decade or two will fly by like that."

April: "For a turtle."

Donnie: "Maybe we should take her on more missions, guys. It makes sense."

Mikey: "Yeah! The best training she could have is hanging with the ninjas."

Me: "Maybe."

Leo: "No way. It's too dangerous."

Raph: "What if something happens to her?"

Right then, April & I get a simultaneous migraine from our newly found powers. Oh, yeah, apparently, we're psychic now. How cool is that?

April: "Guys, I think there's someone watching us. Right over there!"

We follow her gaze as she points to a far-off water tower, spotting a man watching us with a camera.

Turtles & I: "Get him!"

{Time skip}

After a long chase on foot and zip-line, we follow the man to a dark apartment. We use a flashlight to look around and find various maps, journals, and photos of-us?!

Leo: "Not just us. Photos of mutants and Kraang. Lots and lots of Kraang."

April: "So, what's with all the creep-tastic pictures?"

Psychic powers or not, I still suspect the man's watching us from the hallway nearby. I nudge Raph, and we both nod.

Raph: "Well, I guess we've seen enough here, guys."

Me: "Let's get out of here."

We pretend to return to the fire escape when the man peaks out from the shadows, and Raph holds him up against the wall with a sai aimed at his neck.

Kurtzman: "Don't hurt me! I'm a friend."

Raph: "Stalker's more like it."

Kurtzman: "After all these months. Finally, face to face with the talking ninja turtles and April & Brooke O'Neil themselves."

Wait, why am I an 'O'Neil'? I mean, we're like sisters, but what does that have to do with this? The man comes forward to approach April and me when Leo steps between us with a hand wrapped around the handle of his katana.

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