Never Say Xever: Part 5

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Brooke's POV:

Bradford: "Let's settle the score, pond scum."

Donnie: "We're the ones who didn't wanna throw you off the roof."

We all leap back into action as Chris leans in to punch us, and he manages to hit Donnie before turning to do the same to Mikey. Mikey dodges his attacks until he leaps to stand on top of Bradford. He swings his nunchucks into Chris' face until Chris catches them, pulls the chain, and kicks Mikey through the air and into Donnie's lap. Raph fends off the Foot until Xever hits him from behind with a smug grin. Raph turns to Xever with a growl as he goes to hit him with his sai. However, Xever dodges Raph's attack, and kicks him into the ground, alerting Leo & me.

Leo & I: "Raph!"

Bradford rushes to attack us. Leo steps in front of me as Bradford gets closer. Leo puts up quite a fight until Xever approaches me from behind. Leo turns to warn me, but Bradford knocks him over while Xever kicks me in the back. We both fall over, Leo landing in front of Mikey while I land to sit next to Raph.

Xever: "See, Bradford? That is how you catch four turtles and a princesa. And next, I'll show you how to filet the turtles."

Bradford starts an argument with Xever, distracting them long enough for us to turn and see Fong hand us one of Leo's katanas. Leo & I look up at him in surprise before sending him grateful smiles. Xever then turns back to face us.

Xever: "Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to cut these turtles into little pieces. And teach the señorita how to be loyal to her captors."

Leo raises his katana in Xever's face while the rest of us rise to stand defensively.

Leo: "I don't think so."

Raph steps out before me as Leo slices a nearby water tower to fall over, washing our enemies far away from us. Suddenly, the rope snaps as Murakami lets out a cry of fear. I grab one of Mikey's nunchucks and use the blade of one end to hold me up from the ledge. I then leap from the roof to catch the end of the rope holding Murakami in my right hand, my sprained hand holding onto the other end of the nunchuck. Raph leans over the edge of the roof with a concerned look.

Raph: "Brooke!"

I face Raph with a calm smile.

Me: "I'm ok, Raph. We both are."

Leo: "Nice save, sis!"

The guys grab the end of the chain holding us in midair and pull us up to the rooftop. Once we're on solid ground, Mikey unties Murakami as Raph pulls me into a tight hug before pulling away for me to face him.

Raph: "Brooke, that was the wildest, craziest, most dangerous thing I've ever seen you do."

I frown nervously before widening my eyes in surprise as Raph pulls me into a longing kiss full of passion, love, & excitement. He pulls away with a wide grin.

Raph: "How did I get so lucky with you?"

I shrug my shoulders with a sly grin.

Me: "What can I say? I learned from the best."

We turn to Leo as he speaks with a teasing grin.

Leo: "Alright, lovebirds, let's get Murakami back to his noodle shop."

Raph & I roll our eyes as we all walk to the noodle shop.

{Time skip}

Murakami smiles as he presents us with a to-go bag of pizza gyoza.

Murakami: "Accept this token of my gratitude. Pizza gyoza."

Donnie takes the bag from Murakami's hands.

Donnie: "Awesome! Thanks, Murakami-San."

Murakami: "You're welcome, turtle-San."

We all bow in respect, before pausing in surprise.

Me: "Wait, how did you know they're-"

Murakami interjects with an explanation.

Murakami: "I do have other senses. Touch, smell."

We all turn to Mikey in realization. We do our best to keep clean, but the smell of raw sewage isn't easy to wash away after 15 years of living in the sewers.

Leo: "You don't think we're weird, and scary? Or question why Brooke is here?"

Murakami: "You saved my life. Who am I to complain? And April-chan explained your relationship with Brooke-chan."

Mikey hugs Murakami with a warm smile, causing Murakami's own to widen in acceptance.

{Time skip}

Raph sits between Leo and me on the floor, Mikey's sitting to my right, and Master Splinter is seated before the four of us with a cup of tea. Meanwhile, Donnie's sitting next to April on the couch, holding a piece of pizza gyoza with a pair of chopsticks.

Donnie: "Just try one. Sometimes things that don't seem like they go together actually make a great couple. I-I mean, food."

April: "Fine."

April eats the dumpling, her eyes widening in delight.

April: "Whoa. These are amazing!"

She takes the plate from Donnie's lap, causing him to frown slightly. I giggle as I offer my plate to him. He smiles in thanks as he accepts my plate. Splinter smiles at all of us with pride.

Splinter: "You all showed your strength today."

Raph frowns as he points out what else happened amidst our victory.

Raph: "Yeah, but we almost got beaten. And Brooke came out of it with a fractured wrist."

Donnie & I: "Sprained."

Me: "And that's nothing. It hurt a little, but my wrist still had enough strength to pull Murakami to safety."

Raph & Splinter both nod with smiles at my bravery tonight, Raph pulling me into a side hug as Splinter speaks up.

Splinter: "While your physical strength helped bring you to victory, your true strength was mercy. That is why the Purple Dragon helped you."

Leo & I turn to face Raph with knowing grins.

Me: "Well, Raphie?"

Leo: "Say it."

Raph: "Ok, ok. You were both right."

I kiss Raph's cheek.

Leo: "Aw, see? That wasn't so-"

Raph interjects with a sly grin as he turns to face Leo.

Raph: "Your wimpiness might not be totally useless."

Leo scoffs as I don a playful grin.

Me: "Oh-ho, I'll show you who's wimpy. No mercy!"

I pounce on Raph, pinning him to the ground as the others laugh at the sight. Raph frowns slightly before smirking up at me. He leaps to pin me to the floor while showing some restraint on account of my wrist. I laugh as his grin widens. As he stands with his arm extended to help me up, I pull him into a hug, which he accepts wholeheartedly.

Sure, we may have our ups & downs, but it's moments like these that reassure me. Even in Raph's angriest moment, he'll always be there for me. Now, all we have to do is worry about one more villain out to use me as a bargaining chip. Let him try. Because no matter the enemy, there's no escape from the lean, green ninja team!

End of Episode 6

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