Newtralized: Part 2

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Brooke's POV:

An abandoned warehouse, of course. Typical super-villain hideout.

Leo: "You think this is the place?"

Right then, a Kraang-droid falls out of the window, but crawls back in as shots are fired.

Mikey: "Either that, or there's one bangin' party goin' on in there."

Casey: "Come on, guys. Let's do it!"

Raph: "What, whoa, hold up! Who invited you on this stakeout anyway?"

Casey: "Casey Jones invited himself."

We leap in through the roof, Casey wobbly managing to stick the landing.

Mikey: "Whoa, it's the Newtralizer! I totally named that guy."

Donnie: "Actually, I named him."

Me: "Hit him hard and fast."

Raph: "Except for you, Casey. You hold back."

We leap forward to take down Newtralizer, but he knocks us all to the ground floor. Then, we attack Slash, but again, he has the upper hand.

Slash: "Eager for another beatdown, Donatello?"

Casey comes to Donnie's aid by hitting hockey pucks into Slash's face but gets grabbed by the arm and spun in midair. Slash releases Casey as I approach to attack, but Slash teleports repeatedly before knocking me to the ground in front of the others. Raph helps me as Newtralizer deploys a bomb and teleports away with Slash. We all rush out of the building as it explodes into flames, Raph saving Casey from being crushed by rubble.

Leo: "You guys all right?"

Casey: "Yeah, we're cool."

Raph: "Cool? You would've been flattened if it wasn't for me."

Casey: "I've done the same for you, Raph."

Raph: "Oh, yeah? When was that?"

Casey: "Like, dozens of times."

Raph: "If you didn't slow us down, they would've never gotten away."

Casey: "Are you kidding me?"

Raph: "Why? You think this is a joke?"

Casey: "You know what, Raph? Forget this! I'm outta here."

Casey shoves past Raph and walks away.

Me: "Casey, wait! Hold on! Raph."

Raph: "What? If he's gonna act like a baby, I don't want his help."

Mikey: "Not cool, Raph. People have feelings."

Raph: "Well, I'm not people."

Me: "Really? How did it feel for you when Spider Bytez ticked us off and Leo took us off the mission? Not good, right? That's how Casey feels when you call him out for not having the same skills as you. Everyone has different fighting styles, Raph. That's what makes us a good team. Accepting those differences, not pushing people away when things get tough. Believe me, if that worked, I wouldn't be standing here.."

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