Metalhead: Part 2

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Brooke's POV:

So now Donnie, Raph, & I are dragging an empty Kraang-droid through a nearby alley while Mikey & Leo walk ahead of us toward a manhole cover. I grunt as I pull the droid along with the others.

Me: "Donnie, when I said 'out of the box solution', this is not what I had in mind."

Raph: "We're carrying this thing because, why?"

Donnie: "Don't you wanna understand how these things work?"

Me: "Considering it just tried to wipe us out of existence mere moments ago? No, not really."

Raph turns to me with a sly grin before turning to Donnie with a smirk.

Raph: "Yeah, and I know how they work. You hit 'em until the brainy toy surprise pops out."

I chuckle as Mikey lifts the manhole cover.

Donnie: "That's your problem, Raph. You never think things through."

Donnie then shoves the droid into the sewers, but it gets stuck in the process. I smirk as I use his own words against him.

Me: "What was that about 'thinking things through'?."

Raph & I smirk while Donnie kicks the droid to get it to fit through the hole.

{Time skip}

Back at the lair, Mikey's eating pizza on top of a tunnel to the sewers. Raph's petting Spike while I sit next to him with a book. April's in a beanbag chair in front of the couch on her computer, and Donnie's sitting beside her inspecting the droid, their backs turned to face one another. Meanwhile, Leo's sitting on the right side of the living room, looking over the four of us with a stern face.

Donnie: "This technology is light-years ahead of anything I've ever seen!"

Donnie picks up a part that seems to be the robot's power source as he turns to show April with a soft smile.

Donnie: "Do you know what this is?"

April gaze never leaves the computer as she responds.

April: "No."

Donnie: "Neither do I! But I can't wait to find out!"

I giggle at his excitement before Splinter exits the dojo with a new bō staff for Donnie. Raph speaks aloud while seemingly talking to Spike.

Raph: "Look, Spike. Donnie got another stick to break."

I nudge Raph's arm before turning to watch Donnie try to negotiate with Sensei.

Donnie: "With all due respect, Sensei, I can't keep fighting alien technology with a 6-foot staff. I was hoping to upgrade my weapon."

Splinter raises the staff to his eye level with a thoughtful look.

Splinter: "Mmm. A 7-foot staff, Interesting."

I smirk as I continue to watch Splinter tease the purple-clad tech genius.

Donnie: "No, I meant using modern technology."

II can't help but interject with something that can help Splinter's side of the situation.

Me: "Aah, a solar powered staff."

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