Pulverizer Returns: Part 3

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Brooke's POV:

Leo: "Switch weapons!"

The brothers switch back to their original weapons, and Leo holds out a pair of kamas for me to take.

Me: "No, Leo. Do what you will, but I won't lie to Splinter again."

Leo nods in understanding, and we all leap into action.

Mikey: "This is more like it!"

Raph: "Oh, yeah. There's something really satisfying about not losing."

Once we take out the Foot, we turn to see two other soldiers running out of a building with two canisters of mutagen. We follow after them before they speed off in their van.

Donnie: "Guys, mutagen! The Foot are stealing mutagen!"

Raph: "Shredder with mutagen. Well, that can't be good."

We rush over to Pulverizer as he hides behind the dumpster.

Me: "You don't have to hide, Pulverizer. The Foot are gone."

Pulverizer: *deeper tone* "You shouldn't use my real name."

Mikey: "Your real name is 'Pulverizer'?"

Pulverizer: "No, it's Timothy."

Donnie grabs him by the collar of his suit.

Donnie: "Stop talking like that, Tim."

Pulverizer: "Guys, you'll never guess what Shredder's gonna do with the mutagen."

Donnie: "He's gonna create a mutant army to destroy us?"

Pulverizer: "Yeah, but there's a lot to it than that."

Donnie: "Really?"

Pulverizer: "No. You guessed."

Me: "Pulverizer, you're in over your head. Go home."

Leo: "Wait. Not until he finds out more about Shredder's mutation plan."

Pulverizer: "Yeah, baby. The Pulverizer stays in the game. I'm off!"

He rushes off, again nearly crashing into a car.

Raph: "So what if Shredder's building an army of mutants? They're still no match for my sais. High three!"

Leo, Donnie, & Mikey share a high-three, while Donnie & I share a nervous look.

{Time skip}

When we arrive at the lair, the boys have yet to switch weapons as they loudly brag about their victory.

Mikey: "And I was, like, making the bucks with my old nunchucks."

Raph: "I was dropping the Foot like flies with my sais."

Mikey: "Yeah, Raph! Leo?"

Leo: "I had my kursawa swingin' and singin'."

Donnie: "Guys, maybe it's not such a great idea sending the Pulverizer into harm's way."

Raph: "You worry too much, Donnie."

Raph spins a sai in his hand, when Splinter grabs it from him.

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