Part 83

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Virat and Rohit reached Aman's house. Rah opened the door to their shock and surprise.

They went in the room to see Jassi and Shrey applying cold strips. And Harry with Rah making Lemon water.

They had a small smile seeing all that. Finally they may have accepted Aman.

Virat - How is he ?
He asked to Jassi.

Jassi - Fever is fluctuating. Doctor said he may b taking some stress because it's over night fever.
Do u know anything ?

Virat and Rohit looked at each other and remembered yesterday's conversation.

Virat and Rohit sat in place of Jassi and Shrey to the side of Aman. Rah brought lemon water for him.

Virat - Aman, get up.
He said softly caressing his hair.

Aman opened his eyes and saw both Rohit n Virat there. He got up with their support. Rohit made him have the lemon water.

Ro - Are u okay ?

Virat - Feeling better ?
Both asked in concern to which Aman nodded.

Rohit - What's wrong Aman ?
He asked after sometime as Aman was resting his head on Virat's shoulder.

Others left the room giving them privacy except Jassi.

Virat - Tell us Aman, we are with you and we will help you !
He said softly.

Ro - You trust us right ?
He asked to which Aman nodded.

Aman - Yesterday u asked me all that. It just took me back when I lost my parents. I never got to tell them how much I love them. I always used to crib for everything. My last conversation was also a fight with my father, I was demanding something from him. They left and never came back!
He said all this with heavy heart and tears in his eyes.

Virat took him into hug and Aman just cried hard in his embrace.

Rohit rubbed his back and said - Aman, u were just a kid back then. You didn't know this could happen.

Aman - But I miss them so much. I feel so alone at times.
He said clutching onto Virat.

Virat - I know u miss them. But they are always with you Aman. And they know how much u love them.
He said softly caressing his back.

Jassi - And u are not alone Aman, we are always with you!
He held his hand in support.

Aman - I just learned that u realise the importance of people in your life when it is too late.
He said sadly.

That statement hit hard to Virat and Rohit. They could relate to it specially Virat as how much close he was to actually loose Rohit.

Aman lay his head on Virat's lap and silently just listened to Rohit n Jassi talking. Virat stroking his hair softly to give him the comfort he wants.

Rohit - U know Aman what ur Virat sir did one time ?
He said trying to cheer him up.

Aman looked at him curiously while Virat was face palmed hearing that what embarrassing story he would narrate now.

Rohit - U know Pollard the WI player right ?
To which Aman nodded.

Virat - oh no ! Ro don't pls.

Rohit - So u know that Virat was so jealous of him because he was on the same team as mine in IPL.
He continued not paying heed to Virat's pleas.

Aman - Jealous as in ?

Jassi - Jealous means Virat bhai was jealous of Pollard being close to ur Rohit sir.

Aman looked at Virat who was finding a place to hide his face of embarrassment.

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