Part 66

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Mahi - 'I know Ro its too hard'

Rohit - 'No bhai u dont know .. u can never know.'

Mahi sighed at that .. Virat stood hearing how much Ro was venting out.

Rohit - 'U dont know .. ki Vi never smiled .. how I almost lost the hope to get that Vi back .. u dont know how much we needed u back then .. how I didnt like even a bit to see Vi so strong and then just sit silently behind closed doors burying his emotions ..'

Rohit - 'U dont know bhai .. how Rits forgot to tease me partnering with Vi .. how they both were always taking care of us and forgot to take care of themselves .. u dont know how Anu was .. scared always .. that we would leave her .. how Rits stayed nights with her by her .. to calm her down'

Rohit continued - 'How helpless I would feel when Rits would force a smile and say that she is okay .. when she was not .. how helpless Anu would feel .. how Virat was when he got to know that his Nushkie was going through all this .. how he scared he was ..'

Mahi - 'I am really sorry Ro ..'

Rohit - 'Pata hai I used to get this dreams that u are by my side .. telling me that everything will be fine .. and then u vanished .. Virat would always there by my side at that time .. consoling me.. i dont know how he used to know that i need him ..'

Rohit - 'But he never cried .. it seems tears just had abandoned him .. and u took away all his emotions ..'

Mahi, Virat and Rohit all of them got tears after hearing that. Virat was going to leave from there as he could not hear more of that .. but stopped hearing Mahi's voice.

Mahi with tears in his eyes - 'I am so sorry Ro ... I am really really sorry ..'

Rohit - 'Why u didn't believe us bhai?'

Mahi - 'When I saw the news obviously I was sure that u both can never do this .. I called Dada and asked him the same but when the documents came and we saw ur original signatures on it .. I didn't know what to think .. I was blinded by my anger seeing it .. seeing urs and Cheeku original signatures on that !! I never thought that it will result like this !!! That I drifted u too away from me .. !!!'

Mahi - 'I am so sorry Ro ... u are right I can never know what u and Virat had to go through ... but I promise to atleast fade that scars with my love and care for you both!'
He was in tears.

Mahi - 'I know I can never ever correct that mistake now .. only if I could go and past and change everything!! But it's not possible .. I have done a sin which will haunt me for life .. but just believe when I say that I am so sorry .. and give me chance to be the Mahi bhai again for u and heal ur wounds'
He said with moist eyes.

Virat thought after hearing that was it really possible for Bhai to fade that for us .. Was Ro right ? I really need to seek help ? How much Ro had all this inside him but he was letting it out to Bhai .. should I do the same ?

Virat just held his head thinking all that .. he left from there .. it was pounding in pain .. listening everything Ro said .. and remembering everything! He went in his cabin and rested himself.

Mahi said again crying hard now - 'I am sorry .. I am so sorry'

Rohit just hugged him tightly as he said that. He buried his face in his neck and cried. Mahi hugged him tightly.. and Rohit whispered- 'I missed u bhai !! I missed u so much' ..

Mahi was still breathing heavily because he thought it was a dream may b Rohit hugging him like this .. Rohit got confused at that .. he broke the hug!

Rohit - 'Kya hua bhai ? U okay ?'

Mahi - 'Ya I just .. felt like it is a dream ..'

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