Part 62

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Next morning at office -

Virat , Rohit and Aman arrive together. Virat and Rohit didn't spoke to each other nor at home. They were trying to gather their own thoughts.

Ict arrived after sometime and saw three of them in the cabin.

Aman - 'Sir, I know both of u are angry on me for hiding things from you. But please try to understand that was the only option I thought of'
He said to them.

Virat - 'Look Aman, when we told u that u are our brother that means that u have to come to us. Whatever the situation might be'
He said sternly.

Rohit - 'Vi is right Aman. Come to us, talk to us then we can together get through it.'

Virat - 'And we are not angry at u anymore'
He said sitting on the chair.

Rohit - 'Now stop sulking and get to work'
He said to Aman and he went out of the cabin to his cubicle.

Virat - 'We have meeting with ICT in the afternoon.'
He said diverting his mind to work.

Rohit - 'Vi, did u get the nightmare again yesterday?'
He asked seeing him very pale and sleep driven.

Virat - 'Yes'
He said not wanting to lie to him.

Rohit - 'Was it due to all the guilt we are feeling like Aman situation'
He asked.

Virat - 'I don't know Ro, I just don't know'
He said burying his head in his hands.

Virat - 'U know i am trying so hard .. but I have zero control on my emotions especially so much anger I feel .. that is scaring me .. I am scared .. what if I take my anger on someone else close to me ..'
Virat said breathing heavily.

Rohit - 'Calm down Vi, come let's go to cafe for sometime'
He said rubbing his hands.

Virat was in the cafe taking fruit juice for him and Ro. He saw Bhuvi and Mahi were sitting exactly behind him. He could hear Bhuvi's irritated voice.

Bhuvi - "Bhai, is it necessary for me to be here ?"
He asked irritatedly.

Rohit came there and stood beside Virat who told him to keep quiet for a bit.

Mahi - "Whats wrong Bhuvi?Whole team needs to be here. We need to see the fitness reports for the series which is starting in coming week"
He asked now knowing what was going on in his mind.

Bhuvi - "But bhai u can take mine na, can I go back at the hotel pls"
He asked.

Mahi  - "But bhuvi, whats wrong ? kal se u have been in the room .. and now also u dont want to be here ... what is happening  ? tell me"
he asked in concern.

Virat was listening everything .. he got a weird feeling listening to Bhuvi. What could be the reason that Bhuvi didnt want to stay here .. did our presence bother him ?

Bhuvi - "Bhai meko nhi rehna hai yaha pe, it doesnt feel right .. we didnt trust them .. and now we are asking their forgiveness when we dont deserve it at all .. they are trying so hard that no one can see that virat is hurting himself emotionally .. and Rohit too .. I cant see that"

He said that was leaving from there when he collided with Virat who was standing behind him. Rohit was behind Virat.

"I am sorry" said Bhuvi looking at Virat whose shirt was covered in juice.

"Its okay" said Virat to which Bhuvi got really angry .. because it was not okay at all.

"No its not okay Virat ... its not okay .. why dont u understand this .. why are u giving us chance when we dont deserve it .. why !!! dont give it Virat ... what if I do the same mistake .. I am a horrible person Virat .." said Bhuvi bursting at him and slumped against the wall.

Rohit was shocked at that outburst .. Mahi was gonna say something .. but Virat told him not to. Virat helped Bhuvi to get up and made him sit on the chair.

"Have some water" said Virat giving it to Bhuvi.

"Don't do this Virat please" said Bhuvi and left the cafe.

Virat just threw the glass on the floor breaking it into pieces. Rohit and Mahi both were shocked to see that reaction from Virat.

He composed himself and said - 'We have a meeting now'

They all went to the conference room where remaining team had already reached .. Aman was setting the files. Bhuvi came in the room followed by Rohit, Virat and Mahi.

Aman started the meeting. He was sitting beside Virat as that was his place.

Virat could hear everytime he hissed while speaking .. because it was the lip which was cut .. Virat clenched his fists .. controlling his emotions.

'Ro, can u take it further' interrupted Virat in between handed the file to Rohit.

Rohit took the file and explained about the progress to each one of them. While Aman was thinking that did he mess up something because it was the first time .. that he had stopped him in a meeting.

Bhuvi could see Virat's demeanour get tensed and how he was trying his best to look composed.

Rohit completed the meeting and ICT left the room. Aman was seated there on his place.

"Did I do some mistake Virat sir in the meeting ?" Aman asked in a low voice.

"Why would u think that ?" Asked Virat

"U told Rohit sir to take over .. means u never do that ., not that I mind but still" said Aman nervously.

Rohit facepalmed at that .. when will this boy think properly without worrying.

Virat - 'Stop making assumptions Aman'
He said being irritated.

Virat - 'What did u think that am an angry on u so I stopped in between and told Rohit to continue '

Aman nodded at that.

Virat  - 'I stopped u because it was difficult for u to read that much with ur hurt lip and it was troubling u.. why u have to judge me all the time Aman .. is it so hard to understand that I do things because I care about u like a brother'
Saying this he left the room angrily banging the door.

Aman flinched a bit at that .. Rohit noticed it and said softly - 'Aman don't make unnecessary assumptions.. and stop overthinking"

"Now go and coordinate with ict on reports okay' said Rohit softly diverting his mind from Virat's outburst.

Aman left the cabin and Rohit went behind Virat.

Here is the next one !

Third update in a day ! Hope u like it !

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See u in next !
Happy Reading.

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