Lucius Malfoy

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I had been told about Azkaban. Every child had been. It was usually used as a scare tactic to make sure kids behaved but there was always rumours floating around about the wizard prison which was located way out at sea on an island just big enough to house the three blocks. 

But no matter what I heard. No matter what my parents, Azaleah or even Draco told me about Azkaban. It was 100 times worse in real life. 

The smell was a mixture of decay, mould and sea salt. Everything was dark and dingy. As we moved through the corridors I couldn't help but feel, the puddles under my feet from the rain and sea. It was freezing too, although I assumed this was also because there were dementors at every bloody doorway. 

Hooded characters with no face. These monsters were the stuff of every child's most terrifying nightmare. And here they were in the...well I was going to say flesh but it was more like decaying, rotting wounds. 

I kept my head down as I walked, holding onto Draco for dear life. We were ushered into a room which reminded me of a hospital waiting room. There were chairs lining the walls and a table in the middle on which sat bottles of water and chocolate frogs. I was reminded of Professor Lupin in our 3rd year handing out chocolate to students when the Dementor's got too close. 

Apparently chocolate was the answer to everything. I was more a raspberry flavoured liquorice wand girl myself. When I looked back at the table, I saw three liquorice wands sitting on the tray with the frogs. They definitely were not there before. 

"Pity there wasn't any sugar quills on that tray," Draco chuckled. "They are -"

"Your favourite. I know." I smiled at him and winked. 

"Do you know everything about me now?"

"Almost." I teased. I looked back at the table and pointed. 

He followed the direction I was pointing. Now on the table were sugar quills. How in the crap?

"The table can tell what treat you like and offers it to you." Narcissa explained as a fancy cup of sweet tea appeared. "Delightful," she smiled and picked up the cup.

"I want one of these tables. This is class!" Draco smiled examining it further. 

We were then patted down and scanned one by one of the guards to make sure we had no malicious intent and were not under any curse or spell. Once the determined we were all safe and well, he left to get the room ready for our meeting.

Kingsley was sitting in the corner eating a chocolate frog chatting to a guard. Bill had went off to find out when we would be seeing Lucius. Draco and his mother began to banter about what use they would have with a table like this in their home.

"Nervous?" Nate asked coming to sit beside me.

"Not really. I know Draco has his hopes up but I doubt Mr Malfoy will be able to tell us anything of actual use. I would say he just wanted an excuse to see his son. And I can't imagine he will he happy to see me. I am not exactly what he would want for his son. I am not one of the sacred 28 after all."

"You are better," Nate said nudging me. "Why else do you think Laila and I want you to be god mother?"

"How is she? How is my godchild?"

"Cooking nicely according to the healer. Laila is finally getting over her sickness. We are about half way through the pregnancy now. Actually on Saturday we find out the sex of the baby."

"You do?"

"Yeah. Laila is dying to know what she is having and I just can't say no to her. We are going to keep it a secret for a little while - just the two of us and then we will decide if we are going to tell everyone else."

The Buddy System.    *Complete* حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن