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Hearing the story from Azaleah herself was even more heart breaking than watching it in Theo's memory.

Utterly heartbreaking.

And yet she didn't stop. I mentally pleaded with her to stop but she didn't. She had to get out. She had to express herself and I had to listen.

No matter how much it pained me to do so.

"Then the Minsirty officials came and they ripped me away from Theo by the hair and apparated me away.

I was taken straight to Azkaban and into my cell within minutes. I have been there since. My parents and brother arrived the next day along with Theo's parents and Lucius Malfoy plus many others.

My trial (or therein lack of) well you were there. I never even got to tell my side of the story. That officer who arrested me painted a lovely picture of a cold blooded killer and that's what the council believed."

She said it all fast as if trying to finish the conversation quickly. Like it pained her to talk about it.

"And then I heard that Theo was planning an appeal. And he told ne that you helped him. Even when you thought I was guilty. Why Raelyn? Why would you do that?"

I had of course been asked this question many times by many people lately.

Why was I willing to help a girl that, at the time at least, there was no proof was innocent and for all tense and purposes was a murderer.

I answered honestly.

"Because it's you. It's as simple as that. Because it was for you. Theo was looking out for you and I wanted to help.

Azaleah I never thought of you as evil. I thought you had committed a terrible crime. One I wasn't sure I could forgive you for. But I also remembered the years of friendship. Sleepovers and shopping trips. Parties and boys.

I remembered how much we had been through. I mean you are like a sister to me.

And then I spoke with Theo who told me what really happened and I felt sick to my stomach about you being there in the awful place and I couldn't stand it. I had to do something." I practically shouted.

"And I am eternally grateful that you did." I reached forward and hugged her.  Beyond grateful that I had the opportunity to.

Mrs Weasley marched in at that stage.

"Everyone OK in here?" She asked looking between the two of us.

"Yes Mrs Weasley. Thank you," Azaleah gave a half smile.

"My dear girl you are most welcome. How do you feel? Do you think you could go over the paperwork with me now?"

Azaleah thought for a few seconds before nodding. "I think I can yes."

"Excellent!" Mrs Weasley clasped her hands together and sat down on the chair opposite us.

The paperwork was fairly routine and just as Mrs Weasley had written the last sentence, the doorbell rang and a voice sounded out

"Healer Terry Wilkson is at the door." This was not a normal voice. More...robotic than that.

"One of the Ministry's do hickeys she mused nodding to the box on the wall. "It's an art-o-fish-e-al intelligent system or something like that. Basically the house can tell us who is at the door. Same system they use at the Ministry now."

"That is pretty cool." I smiled. I had no clue how it would work when things settled down but we shall see.

Mrs Weasley went bustling from the room to the front door.

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