Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

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Trixie outdid herself with the food for Christmas dinner. I was so full I felt like I was about 15 months pregnant. But that didn't stop me from helping myself to lemon meringue pie and ice cream for dessert.

Or having a second helping of each either.

Then Draco and I collapsed on the sofa as Narcissa and Andromeda took Teddy up for a nap. Azaleah and Theo had went for a walk in the garden.

For the past few weeks I had been feeling off. I couldn't out my finger on it I was always tried and the headaches and nausea were terrible.

I had taken to lying down in the afternoons or lying on the sofa and today was no different.

I usually felt OK after a few minutes.

"Thank you doll for the broom. It is truly amazing. How did you know exactly what I wanted?" He reached across and pulled me over so I was lying across his chest.

"You have only mentioned it about 50 times this month." I laughed as he tickled me.

"And the present last night?" I didn't have to look up to know he was smirking.

"That was Pansy's idea. She said it was sort of a...fantasy of yours. But one you admitted you hadn't found the right girl to do it with."

"Well I definitely have now. That was still the best present I ever got. Remind me to thank Pansy for suggesting it."

He was rubbing circles on my back, slowly and it was making my eyelids grow heavy. If he kept that up I would be asleep within minutes.

Thankfully Narcissa came into the room at the moment. "Draco I- oh he is asleep," she whispered but smiled.

"Is he? I better get up and let him rest." I tried to move to give him the couch but as I did he pulled me closer to him and hugged me tightly burying his face in my neck and gave a peaceful sigh.

"Eh..I take it I am staying put." I smiled.

"He looks so peaceful," she said as he tilted her head to look at him. "All I ever wanted for Draco was the best. He was right earlier, he was spoilt beyond belief. I thought that buying him possessions, it would make up for his father and how he didn't seem to care much. I have no idea why."

"Lucius...well I know he was wrong in his beliefs. He knows it too believe it or not. But he was always a charming husband. Attentive and loving. He never had any other women even though most of his colleagues and friends did. He loved me. I know he did. And I believe somewhere deep down he loved Draco. There must be some good in him Somewhere."

I held out my hand for Narcissa to take and when she did I pulled her over so she was sitting on the couch with us.

"Do you remember the vials that Lucius made you and Draco drink at the beginning of the battle?" I asked.

"Yes...it was strengthening solution for something."

"No it wasn't. It was Liquid Luck that I had brewed. He had been told to destroy it but not before he took a vial for each of you. To give you the best chance at survival. Narcissa he only took two vials. He didn't take a third."

"He didn't?" She gasped as I shook my head.

"He clearly loved you both. Very much. Enough to risk his own life to save yours."

"I wish Draco knew this. I wish he would listen when I tell him his father loves him."

"He knows. He does. He is just angry right now and it is blinding his vision. He will come around. Don't give up on them just yet." I squeezed her hand.

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