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Actually lunch was quite a quiet affair. Draco sat gazing around the hall suspiciously as if waiting for Lucas to jump out from under a table.

Even Blaise who was sitting next to us with Harry, kept looking up everytime the door opened.

Thankfully when we were finished and being escorted from the hall, Draco seemed to brighten up.

"So will you be supporting Slytherin then?" He smirked his famous smirk and placed one arm around me.

"Against Ravenclaw? Tough call. I mean Racenclaw is my house. But there is this hunk on the Slytherin team I can't wait to see play."

"Oh? And who might that be?"

"Blaise of course." I smirked back. Draco lowered his arm and began to tickle me while I gasped and squeaked with delight.

"You two are adorable." Hermione said as she approached us.

"Well thank you Hermione." I smiled at her.

"I wanted to ask if you had heard anything about your friends appeal?"

I looked down at my feet. "Not yet I'm  afraid." I said quietly. I hadn't heard from Kingsley at all. I was sure he would have something to report by now.

It was starting to worry me. We left for the Christmas holidays in a few days.

"Well I do hope he gets in touch soon. I am glad I was able to help and I have been looking into wizarding laws regarding the incident. I would say that Azaleah has a good chance."

"You've been researching?" Draco asked sounding amused.

"Just the laws and the proceedings. I made a few notes of previous cases and their outcomes and some bylaw references. I thought it couldn't hurt to have some examples ready."

"Hermione, that is so sweet of you." I reached out and took one of her hands squeezing it.

"It's the least I could do. I hate the thought of anyone in there. Least of all someone who was simply trying to protect her partner."

"Really Gr- uh Hermione, that is very generous of you and I know we all appreciate your efforts."

"Think nothing of it. I am happy to help. I better get going. I am supposed to meet Ginny so we can try to find her an outfit for tonight."

"Oh about that," I said passing her the little box with Ginnys dress which was in my bag. "This is for Ginny. Tell her it's for tonight."

Hermione looked puzzled but took the box none the less, said her goodbyes and headed off no doubt up to Gryffindor Tower.

"Did you buy the Weasley girl a dress?" Draco asked as we rushed upstairs to deposit our bags and so I could grab a blanket for myself and Pansy.

"I did. Nothing much but just a little something."

I went to walk back out of the portrait door when he pulled me back, pinning my against the cold, hard concrete wall.

He raised one hand to my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. "You are too good. No wonder you have other men throwing themselves at you."

"Look who is talking. Sophie walks past me glaring daggers at me everyday. Do you remember my hair?"

He chuckled. "I suppose you're right. We are quite a pair."

"Which is why it's best for everyone that you don't leave me. It wouldn't be fair on everyone."

"Is that so? Well I don't much care about everyone else. I am a very selfish guy. But lucky for you, I love you and I don't plan to leave you."

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