The Date - prt 1

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The following morning I was up and showered early to get ready for my date with Draco. I had absolutely no clue what I was supposed to wear to Hogsmeade.

I settled for a black slip dress with small buttons up the middle over a brown long sleeve T-shirt.

I settled for a black slip dress with small buttons up the middle over a brown long sleeve T-shirt

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

It wasn't too dressed up for normal people but for me this was practically a ball gown. I paired it with simple black vans.

By the time I did my hair and makeup I barely had time to say goodbye to Theo before I ran out the portrait hole.

"I will keep Bleu for the day. Have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Theo shouted.

I smiled at his words as I swung my bag over my shoulder but instead of falling to my side it collided with something.

"Oh shit! Those things are deadly!"

I turned to see Draco rubbing his chest. "Oh shirt balls I am sorry!"

"Shirt balls?"

"Oh in our house my mum wouldn't let me or Cedric curse so we came up with terms that would get the message across but technically couldn't get us into trouble. Guess the habit stuck with me."

"Wish I had been that clever! I used to curse and then would get hit over the head with my fathers cane or newspaper."

"Did I hurt you?"

"No I am fine. You look great," he smiled as he held out his hand. "Ready?"

"Yes I am," I smiled taking hold of his hand as we set off.

It was a lovely day, which made for a pleasant walk into the village. We chatted and laughed on our way and it was as if we were oblivious to the rest of the world. It was just the two of us.

He held my hand the whole way.

"You know my mother was delighted when I told her I was taking you on a date. Even more so when I said we were heading to the bookstore as you didn't like Madame Paddifots Tea Shop."

"She was?"

"She said it is a silly store. The tea is too sweet and the atmosphere is distasteful. She said my father took her there when they were in school and it was the worst date she had been on. He's lucky he got a second one."

"So where would she recommend?"

"Actually she said the same as you. The bookstore has a coffee dock upstairs and is more...intimate."

"At least we won't come out smelling like we bathed in perfume. How anyone can sit in that is beyond me."

"Have you ever been?"

"Not on a date. I once had to go in and interrupt Cedric on a date to let him know that Professor Dumbledore wanted to speak with him. By the time I was leaving I wanted to gag and my eyes were watering."

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