Good Ole Dad

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And so at about 3pm on Christmas Eve, I was standing outside the home in the snow. Wondering if I even had the energy to go in.

Draco was with me holding my hand and trying in vain to calm me down.

"It will be fine, Rae. At least here he won't be drunk so you can have a conversation with him."

I began pacing. "I am not sure if that is a good thing or not. He can't hide behind his drink. He is not going to want to see me and -"

"How will you know if you just stand around out here?" He smirked.

I stuck my tongue out at him. Why is he always right?

"Ok fine! I am going in." I puffed out my chest. But I still didn't move. "You will wait for me right?"

He gave a low chuckle before enveloping me in a hug. "Of course I will. I won't go anywhere without you."

"Promise?" I looked up at him. I made sure to look into his eyes. Like looking in his eyes will somehow magically give me strength.

He kissed me and took my hand again, leading me forward. "I promise." He stepped through the front door, making sure to close it behind me. and then lead me to the reception desk where a lady was sitting.

She looked to be in her late 40s, early 50s and she had a Christmas hat on her head. She seemed to be bright and cheerful and smiled as she stood up. "Welcome. It's always nice to see visitors around the holidays. Who are you two here to see?"

I froze not able to say anything.

"Amos Diggory ma'am," Draco flashe her one of his dazzling smiles and her own smile grew even wider.

"Aw that will be nice. He hasn't had many visitors since he arrived. Only a couple of co-workers. Are you family?" As she spoke she began to lift files and papers out of a drawer to her left.

"She is his daughter," Draco explained.

"And he is my boyfriend." I finally managed to get out.

"Well great. Honey we have been trying to get in contact with you. I wrote you a few letters to school but they were returned."

"Sorry I had to leave early and-"

"Oh no it's fine honey. We just need you to sign a few papers and fill out some details for us."

"Oh yeah sure."

She handed me the documents to sign, which I did and filled in three forms with all the necessary details, basically giving them permission to take action if my dad tried to escape or was found to have alcohol in his room. They had taken his wand off him on arrival so it was also to ensure that I approved.

When I dotted my last 'i' she took the papers back. "Also to make you aware, this is a temporar facility. This is to help him overcome his addiction. when he completes his program he can either go home or he can be transferred to another facility for full time care if you wish. I have some brochures you can take to look at."

"Do I have to decide right now?" I asked. It seemed a weird thing to have to do considering I hadn't even seen him yet.

"No it's something to think about."

"Why don't I look over them and you can go and visit with your father?" Draco smiled taking the brochures.

I wanted him to come with me but I think that maybe it was for the best. My dad wouldn't be happy to see me let alone with my Death Eater boyfriend.

"Make yourself comfortable over there, young man," the lady said pointing to a seating area. "Miss Diggory, if you will follow me I will take you to your father's room."

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