More truths

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"I forgot you would be heading back to school," Azaleah sighed as Mrs Hobkirk tried to make her eat another cookie.

She had already been force fed about seven.

"Not for another two weeks honey," Theo said pulling her closer to him.

"Yeah I know...oh Raelyn how was your shopping trip?"

I looked to Draco who smiled encouragingly at me.

"Well...I...saw Pansy and Blaise. They send their love."

"You did? Where did you meet them?"
She asked surprised.

" their house when I went to visit Wren."

"WHAT?!" her and Theo both shouted causing Mrs Hobkirk to jump.

"Sorry Mrs Hobkirk," Azaleah smiled.

"Quite alright dear. Good dose of fear a day is good for you. I'm going to get started on dinner." She shuffled out of the room with the tray again.

"You saw Wren?" Azaleah asked.

"Well he requested I come to see him so we thought we would go while we were shopping."

"How was that?" Theo asked.

"Em...well...he um.."

"He had a few surprises to share." Draco chimed in.

"Such as?" Theo urged.

" you guys remember the costume party we went to. Az, you, me and Teeny wore the same outfit?"

"Yeah I remember. Bloody awful night. The local guys kept feeling us up and you and Wren got into a fight?"

"Yeah well, apparently I went back to his flat after the party and seduced him. Spending the night."

Azaleah looked down at the floor and then out the window squinting slightly the way one does when they are confused.

She tossed a long blonde strand over her shoulder and said. "Wait no you didn't. We came back to the dorm and the two of us ate snacks and chatted for a few hours. I wanted to cheer you up so we went star gazing."

"Exactly. And do you remember Teeny coming back the following morning claiming she slept with someone and that she didn't want to hurt me."

"Yea we thought it was Lucas."

"But it wasn't and she was furious and sulked for a few days."

"Even I remember that. She was bloody horrible to be around." Theo frowned.

"Well she um...apparently had been brewing polyjuuce Potion and that night she snuck back to the party -"

Azaleah gasped and one hand flew to her mouth. "No!"

Theo looked between the two of us. "What? What did I miss? I don't get it  I-"

He then practically jumped off the sofa. "Holy shit! She slept with Wren. But pretending to be you! Sneaky little bitch."

"Oh Rae, I'm so sorry." Azaleah moved to sit next to me and took my hands.

"It's fine. I don't feel the same about him anymore so I'm fine. But it wasn't just the one time."


I looked to Draco for help. Thankfully he understood.

"When he woke up and it was Teeny in bed he realised what she did and wanted to tell Rae. But Teeny said she would tell everyone he attacked her.
She said that there was a fella it rough and he could give her the bruises she needs to sell her story."

The Buddy System.    *Complete* حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن