Imperious Curse

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When I tell you there is nothing more frustrating than trying to understand a muted conversation from another room - I mean there is NOTHING more frustrating.

There was a lot of talking but I had no clue what was going on.

For over 2 hours!

When he first walked into the room Kingsley looked in charge. Like a big scary lion ready to pounce. Whatever Benjamin was saying, it must be bad for Kingsley was now sitting in the corner with his hand up to his forehead.

He looked...tired.

Benjamin on the other hand looked amused to begin with. That was before the door opened and a Healer came in and injected something into him. He kicked and screamed to object to it but no one listened.

Whatever this injection was, it turned his face went from amused to very very angry.

Then the interview obviously begun and we played the lip reading game for what felt like an eternity.

I could feel myself getting sleepy. I was currently lying on the bench with my head on Draco's lap as he played with my hair.

He didn't take his eyes off the window.

But before sleep took a real hold of me, Draco jolted up...

Knocking me on my ass.

Theo chuckled as Azaleah gasped. Draco hadn't even noticed. He still hadn't taken his eyes off the window.

"Draco you dick!" Azaleah grunted as she bent down to help me up.

"What?" He asked annoyed as he turned to look and her and then down to see what the commotion was.

The look on his face was a picture as realisation hit him. "Fuck Raelyn, I'm sorry."

"Well that's one way to wake up." I laughed as I took Azaleah's hand and stood up.

"I forgot you were there," he moaned.

"Charming," I rolled my eyes but smirked. He looked incredibly guilty. "No harm, no foul," I smiled at him.

He gave me one last look up and down and pulled me into his arms, hugging me before resting his head on my shoulder and continuing his fixed gaze on the window.

Kingsley was leaving now.

He closed the door to Benjamin's room and opened ours.

"That young man is going to have a rough few weeks." Kingsley shook his head.

"What happened?" Draco demanded.

"He is being moved to St. Mungo's for the night. I will be speaking to him more tomorrow."

"St. Mungo's?" Theo asked. "Why?"

"He has been suffering from a very poorly cast Imperius Curse. It should have worn off when the castor died but as it wasn't performed correctly, it has done some serious psychological damage."

"Who cast it?" I asked.

"I think we all know the answer to that."

"I don't," Theo pouted as the rest of us muttered "Teeny."

"I have called a meeting at your house. We have much to discuss." He didn't say anything else but opened the door for us to step through.

And an hour later, we were all gathered in the cabin. Kingsley was standing in front of the crowd calling for silence.

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