The Memory

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"Oh...em... I had to go to St. Mungo's -"

"She was badly injured," Dean explained.

"You were?" Draco asked.

"Yeah but I soon fixed up by the Healers."

"I was worried that maybe you had been killed. I was so worried." The minister pulled me up to my feet and pulled me into a tight hug before moving me around to face everyone.

"This young lady, is the main reason I am alive today. During the battle, a Death Eater was approaching me from behind and cast a killing curse, which this little angel deflected and saved me. She tried her best to save Remus too but he ran out from under her protection spell to find Nymphadora."

"I am sorry I couldn't save him."

"My dear you tried your best and I cannot thank you enough for that. You saved me and ensured that I went home to my wife and little girl. I am forever in your debt."

"Not at all. I would have done the same for anyone. I am just glad you are ok Minister."

"No minister, to you I am Kingsley."

"And I am Raelyn...Raelyn Diggory."

"Diggory? As in Amos Diggory's kid?"

"Yes sir." I looked down at my feet. I didn't like what I knew he was going to say next.

"My dear in that case I have another matter to discuss with you after."

"I know sir, I spoke with Andromeda."

"So she told you about your father's circumstance at present?"

"Yes sir," I whispered.

"Well let's discuss this case first. Now as you all know. Azaleah Matthews is currently in a cell in Azkaban serving a 10 year sentence for the killing of Teeny Hughes. Mr Nott has since appealed the sentence and has given documentation today in Defense. I have to say that this makes for very strong evidence."

"Now the reason I am here is because with this new evidence we could have Azaleah out sooner than we would expect. Usually an appeal will last months possibly up until about a year. But if all goes well, Miss Matthews could be out much sooner and before the summer, fully exonerated for her crimes."

Theo began to sob. I moved over to him and wrapped my arms around him fighting back my own tears.

Luna and Pansy were beaming and Hermione had a look of determination on her face. Dean was having a some sort of staring competition with Draco and Blaise was watching in amusement.

"Now kids. I need to hear your statements individually and extract memories if you agree. I will start with Raelyn as I have other matters to discuss as well. If the rest of you could wait in the corridor please?"

Theo, who was still sobbing, was helped up by Pansy and Luna. Draco looked at me with concern but I simply smiled at him encouraging him to follow everyone else.

I then turned back to Kingsley.

After detailing everything about that night at the battle and explaining my relationship with Azaleah and Teeny before then, I then gave the Minister my memory as further proof.

"This has been very helpful Raelyn. Now I want to discuss our...other matter."

"Yes sir." This was the part I was dreading. My palms were already sweating at the thought. My father was a real sore spot for me.

It's not that I didn't love him. He was my father. But he never wanted or loved me. I would never be part of his family.

"Now my dear how much do you know about your father's state?"

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