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I leapt into Draco's arms as he swung me around. I know I only seen him last night but honestly so much had happened that it felt like a week. 

As he set me on the floor, I grabbed his face and kissed him. 

"I missed you." He whispered as he rested his forehead against mine 

"I missed you too Draco. I love you." I smiled up at him.

Holy shit am I about to cry?

Man up Raelyn!

"I don't think I will ever tire of hearing that." He chuckled. "You ok love? You look a little pale."

"I feel fine. Tired maybe but I'm 100%."

I leaned into his chest and turned to look at Azaleah and Theo. They were holding onto each other's faces, crying and whispering to each other. 

She looked so happy to see him. Her eyes had lit up and her smile practically spread from one ear to the other.

"Maybe we should leave them to reunite?" I smiled as I took Draco's hand and we went back into the hallway.

I was about to direct him to the living room but he pulled me back and pinned me up against the wall smashing his lips to mine. 

He kissed me hungrily. And I loved it. I wrapped my arms around him to pull him closer. One of his hands travelled up my thigh and up under my top. 

He give one boob a squeeze playfully.

He was so close to me I could feel how he reacted to the kiss. I could feel him rising to the occasion as I licked along his bottom lip, before biting it. 

He almost growled but then stepped back.

"Hey," I pouted. 

"Sorry as much as I want to continue," he whispered. "My mother and my aunt are in your sitting room with the Minister for Magic. I don't think you want them catching us - do you?"

I scowled at him but shook my head. He took my hand and led me into the room. 

The three adults were huddled by the fire arguing in whispers. All three looked up as we entered the room. Mrs Malfoy was holding baby Teddy in her arms.

"Raelyn dear," Mrs Malfoy gushed as she approached me and wrapped her free arm around me. "I have been so looking forward to seeing you. I am on duty tonight so I thought it would be a good idea to get Draco to come with Theo. Otherwise there would be no one to greet him off the train tomorrow. I hope you don't mind?"

"Of course not! It was a smart idea and one I am very pleased with," I smiled as I stepped back and Draco wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh I love this," Mrs Malfoy smiled looking between the two of us. "Don't they make a gorgeous couple?" She turned to her sister and Kingsley.

"They do," they both agreed. 

I stepped forward and hugged the Minister as well. "It's nice to see you again sir," I smiled.

"Now what have I said about the 'sir' business? It is Kingsley to you. Kingsley to everyone here. How is Miss Matthews?" 

"Much better thankfully. She has had a good sleep and showered and been fed (thanks to your wife) and the Healer seemed pretty pleased with her."

"Yes I spoke to her. She said Miss Matthews was surprising perky for what she has been through."

"She is just glad to be out of that dreadful place. She has a long way to go I would say but she is making amazing progress. I am very proud of her."

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