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We left the room with my arms wrapped around Draco.

"FINALLY! Can you please open presents now?" Theo was dancing again with excitement. 

"Sorry, sorry. We were committing." Draco smirked looking towards his mother who was beaming again. 

"You were what?" Azaleah asked as Theo scrunched up his face.

"Eugh!" he groaned.

I simply held out my hand. "It's a promise ring." I explained before she got the wrong idea as Azaleah's eyes lit up. 

"Oh my Merlin! That is so amazing! Of course you two are the most perfect couple so it makes complete sense." She laughed and pulled us both into a hug.

"I thought we were the most perfect couple?" Theo pouted.

Azaleah shrugged. "Most of the wizarding world still think I am a cold blooded killer so I'm afraid not love." Everyone turned to look at her. She said it as casually as if she was commenting on the weather. "What?" she said as she noticed us all watching and shrugged.

Theo high fived Draco and simply bumped shoulders with me as he smirked and winked.

Narcissa was now full on balling her eyes out as Andromeda laughed. "Cissy this has you written all over it. Is that why you had me go with you to get that ring? You sneaky little devil." But still she hugged us both. 

"Ok well Draco and Raelyn can't go first as they have already got a gift then." Theo pouted. "I have everyone's gifts taken out from the tree. Who wants to go first?"

"Well I have one for Teddy if that's ok?" Andromeda smiled. She picked up the largest box and sat it on the sofa next to him as he sat on Narcissa's knee. Andy opened the box carefully and took out a Teddy. It was a little werewolf plush toy with a ivory jumper on. "The jumper is made out of Tonk's wedding dress and it's a werewolf obviously for his daddy."

She set in in front of him and he immediately reached for it, pulling it towards him and babbling to it. It was precious. 

"Now who is next?" Azaleah asked. 

"Well I have one for you." Draco smiled and handed her a box. "It's just something you said you wanted while at the Manor with me."

She opened the box and gasped. "Oh Draco! Thank you so much!" She lifted out another box. It was a vinyl player. Exactly like mine. I knew she wanted one. She always played mine in our dorm room and said she would buy herself one when she moved into her own home. She couldn't have one until then as she said her parents wouldn't be pleased that it was a muggle invention.

She stood up and hugged Draco. "I cannot believe you remembered. Thank you very much." She smiled again. "Well I have one for you in that case." She handed him a smaller box in silver wrapping paper. 

He thanked her and tore open the wrapping. It was a picture. Of Draco and myself. "Theo got it for me and I made the frame myself. I know it is not much but -"

Draco shook his head. "Azaleah, I love this. I don't have a picture of Raelyn and myself. This is perfect. And the fact that it's handmade makes it even more special. This is amazing!" He held it to his chest and then hugged her again as she beamed.

"Can I open one now?" Theo sulked. 

"Yes love you find one of yours." Azaleah smiled. He didn't need to be told twice. He dove in and pulled out a green one. 

"This is from....Pansy." Theo smiled. He opened it and held up a jumper with the same present as he one he bought Blasie. "Deadly it's the same as Blasie's. I bet he didn't know that you could add things to it." He laughed.

The Buddy System.    *Complete* حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن