Dearest Azaleah

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Dearest Azaleah,

I have been so unsure of how to start this letter off. With everything that has happened, a simple hello just seemed so unemotional and silly. 

I am trying to pour all my emotions onto this page and it is going to sound corny, soppy and mushy but bear with me. There are things I simply have to say to you.

And yet now sitting here with the quill to the parchment, I am afraid of what I write. Afraid that the apologies I want to offer will fall upon ears that have been too hurt by my actions to listen anymore.

But that is the main thing I want to say Az. I am sorry.

I am sorry that I did not fight more for our relationship when you pushed me away. I am sorry that I did not see what you were going through. That your biggest fear was coming to life right before you. 

Some friend right?

That should have been the time where I defended you more than any other. That was the time when I should have made you stop and made you open up to me. Maybe if I was a better friend you would have been able to confide in me what was going on.

Friends forever. That was what we promised each other. And when you needed me the most I wasn't there for you. 

Azaleah I have no excuse. I can only apologise for not believing you. The battle seemed like it was all a blur and when I turned to see Teeny was dead and the Order members said it was you that did it. I just accepted it. They had you already whisked off to The Ministry that I didn't think to ask what really happened

I was angry Az. So angry thinking you had taken the only friend I had left. First I had to mourn Cedric. Then, even though you were still alive, I mourned the loss of you. Then my mother and finally Teeny. I felt so alone and I blamed you for taking away the last good thing I had in my life. 

That day at the trial I didn't even stop when I heard you call my name. I was so distraught I could not even look you in the eye. 

But I was so wrong Az. Theo showed me the memory of that night and I was immediately heart broken for you. You did nothing wrong. You deflected a spell, A CURSE, cast at you and the love of your life. And I had no idea. 

I am sorry. I am so sorry. For everything. You deserve better. 

You were always the most amazing friend to me. Some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life, you can barely remember what your life was like before them. That is what you were to me. 

You blew into my life on the platform our first day of school and never left my side for 5 years.

We laughed together, cried together and practically grew up together.

Looking back, Az it was always you that was my biggest cheerleader. You supported me through everything.

It crushes me that I wasn't there to support you these past two years.

The Buddy System.    *Complete* Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum