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By the time we made it to Parkinson Manor I was a little apprehensive. I hadn't seen Wren since the night he kicked me out. It wasn't exactly a friendly or even civil split. 

I walked out the door that night, slamming it behind me with such force that it cracked the frame. I walked away and never looked back. 

With a split lip for my troubles.

And here I was, less than two years later, walking back towards him. Thankfully not at his apartment. That would be bloody awkward.

The one thing I noticed about Parkinson Manor is that it is was very regal looking. It's something straight from a Jane Austen novel.

Not as large as Malfoy Manor (from what I saw in photos) but it still had a very cold demeanour to it

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Not as large as Malfoy Manor (from what I saw in photos) but it still had a very cold demeanour to it. 

It's not a place I would imagine bringing kids up in and yet I know that Pansy has lived here all her life. With her younger sister sister and older step-brother.

As we approached the end of the long driveway, we stupidly apparated to the bottom and walked (It was a looooooooonnnnnnnnnggggggg driveway) the front door flew open and Pansy came running out to greet us with Blaise on her heels. 

She wrapped an arm around each of us and squeezed. "It's lovely to see you. Wren said you might be stopping by. I've missed you Rae."

"I missed you too Pans."

I stepped back and hugged Blaise as well. "It's good to see you Rae," he smiled.

"And you sir. It's been too quiet without you." I winked at him as Pansy took my hand and led us inside.

"My family want to meet you. Is that ok?" Pansy asked shyly. "If not...I will tell them. I don't -"

"Pansy I would love to meet them."

She smiled and gave my hand a squeeze and then led us into a room to the right. It was a formal sitting room.

Pansys mother was standing by the fire with another man. Her mother was smiling as we entered. The man - well he looked uncomfortable. 

"Mother, Uncle Levi, this is Raelyn Diggory. Of course you already know Draco Malfoy, her boyfriend?"

Her uncle stepped forward and bowed slightly reaching out and taking my hand, kissing it. "It's so good to meet you. Any friends of Pansy are always welcome in this house."

"It's lovely to meet you too Mr -." 

"Parkinson. Pansy's father is my big brother."

Mrs Parkinson then stood up and pulled me into a hug. "I always wanted to meet the girl who turned by immature, sometimes bully of a son into the gentlemen he is now. It's so delightful to meet you at last."

"And you Mrs Parkinson." I smiled as she turned to greet and kiss Draco.

"Please, sit." Mr Parkinson gestured to the sofas just as the door to the drawing room burst open. A teenage girl came in. She had to be a out 16 years old at least. Although she looked much older.

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