A Trip Down Memory Lane - part II

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We were in a different apartment. 

"This is my home," Wren muttered. "Oh fuck no! I know this morning. This is after my holiday party."

Then the bedroom door burst open. "What the fuck Teeny!" Another Wren screamed. 

"Anyone squeamish, turn away now!" Our Wren warned.

Too late. A completely naked Teeny came into the room. "Come on, last night was fun!"

"Last night I thought I was with Raelyn. I was with Raelyn. What did you do?"

"Polyjuice Potion my love."

"Don't call me that. And put some clothes on for Merlin's sake!" He threw a cushion at her from the couch to cover herself. 

"Does it bother you? My body?"

"Yes it does!" I choked out. 

The psyco jumped up onto the kitchen counter and spread her legs. 

"I am going to vomit!" I moaned. 

"Me too," Wren muttered.

"Me three," Nate and Harry said in unison.

"How did I not know this girl?" Blaise asked clearly entertained. 

"You didn't have any complaints last night when you were fucking me in the -"

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE RAE!"  Wren shouted. 

"In the what?" Blaise asked our Wren who was hiding his face in his hands. 

"Shush mate," Nate said. 

"Bet Rae doesn't make you feel the things that I made you feel. I made you scream last night. I bet no one has ever made you feel like that."

"What is wrong with you?" This Wren asked. Fair play to him he wasn't even looking at her his hands were over his eyes. 

"Not a thing. I am loving this. We can finally tell Rae that you don't want to be with her and then we can be together finally!"

"Are you mental?"

"I know you want to be with me. I have seen the way you look at me. You smile. You hold doors open for me. You even defended me when that prick Goyle got a little handsy. Were you jealous?"

"What? No I was being a good friend. A good boyfriend to Raelyn, keeping her friends safe."

"Liar! You want me. You knew. Somewhere inside you knew it was me. You were pleased this morning when you realised it was me you fucked and not her! ADMIT IT!" She screamed the last part, jumping down off the counter and over so she was standing in front of him.

"No you crazy bitch! I was...am bloody furious! I am telling Raelyn right now!"

"Like she would believe you. I will tell her that we have been at it like rabbits for months."

"What?!" Wren gasped. "She wouldn't believe you."

"Or how about I tell her that you attacked me?"

Both Wren's faces went as white as snow. 

"Yeah. I will say that I came back after the party because I forgot my jacket and you attacked me. Raped me again...and again...and again."

"I didn't!" 

"But I will tell everyone you did. I know a Slytherin who I have fucked a few times. He is not as good as you babe but he likes it rough. I could ask him to leave marks on me. Marks to make it look like you attacked me."

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