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Azaleah was sleeping soundly after only 15 minutes. 

I tiptoed out of the room and back down stairs to Mrs Weasley who stood with a letter in her hand looking very angry.

"Sit," she said simply pointing to the chair I was sat at not 30 minutes ago. I did as told.

"Why did you not tell me about this?" She said as she held up a letter. 

"Um...what is it?" I asked totally confused.

"It is a letter from Hermione. She told me about your little run in with my son. Both last nights and the one from a few weeks back."

"Oh...well...I mean there isn't much to sort out. The first row, Ginny stepped in and made him see sense. The second one Hermione gave him a good telling off. I didn't see the point in upsetting you."

"Well I am very much upset. How can my son say such things to you? Hermione seems to think that counselling - proper counselling not your Buddy System may be needed. She was very upset. I want to hear the events from you. I want to know exactly what he said."

And so I told her. Everything from calling me a bitch to a blood traitor and what he said about Hermione, demanding she not speak with us.

"And this was all to do with you helping Azaleah?"

"Well more Hermione helping than anything else. I think he was upset because she wouldn't tell him what happened."

"Which she was right to do as Minerva and Kingsley asked you not to." She gave a heavy sigh. "I can only apologise for my sons behaviour Raelyn. I thought I had raised him better than that. I will be having severe words with him over the holidays."

"You really don't need to -"

"Oh yes I do. That little brat. He should not have spoken to you or Hermione like that and he should not have said those things about your friends."

"Honest Mrs Weasley -"

"Please I don't want you to defend him. Not when I am about to send him a howler. I need all the anger I have." She smirked. "Hermione sent me this before I arrived last night but I was so excited to get here and get started that I forgot about it until you went upstairs."

"I wanted to say thank you by the way. For volunteering."

"Oh it is my pleasure. To be honest I hate when the kids are at school. I feel at such a loss for things to do. This will be a great opportunity for me. If anything just to get out of the house."

"Well I would like to pay you for your service."

"Not at all. The Ministry does give us a small incentive to do the work. It's not much but I have never had a job before so it means the world to me."

"Well you must let me match the money they give you -"

"Honest my dear I would do it for nothing."

"But -"

"No I won't hear any more about it. Why don't you head off to bed. You must be tired."

"Don't you want the company?"

"Trixie is here and I am fine on my own. I had a nap this afternoon to assure I was fit for the night shift. I am not tired at all. Actually I plan to get rid of a couple of inches of dust on your furniture while I am here."

"I can do it, you don't have to."

"Oh my dear, this is what I am good at. I enjoy cleaning."

"Well only if you are sure."

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