Sorting Out Our Issues

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I wasn't sure what Lucas and Kingsley were discussing in the study but it was heated and their voices carried through to the kitchen as I introduced myself and Draco to Mrs Hobkirk who proceeded to force feed us cookies and milk.

I'm not going to was amazing!

"You are quite the cook, Mrs Hobkirk." Draco smiled as he scoffed what was possibly his 12th cookie.

Mrs Hobkirk was easily the perfect definition of a little old lady. Her grey hair was curled to perfection and sat short on her head, but each curl bounced when she spoke. She couldn't be any taller than 4ft5 or 4ft6 in height. Her little round face look like it held a lifetime of love and laughter.

She seems to spend her time fussing over each of us. In particular Azaleah though. Draco was currently helping her with the guardian paperwork, writing for her as her little hands had a slight tremble to them.

So far she had complimented each of us on something about our characters. Azaleah was beautiful - like a sunflower I believe she said. Theo was tall and very polite. Draco was handsome and a complete gentlemen. And me? Well mine was a little...different.

"You my dear are like a golden compass." I have to admit I was a little confused and disappointed. Azaleah was a flower and I was a piece of metal.

"Uh...thank you Mrs Hobkirk," I smiled. "That's very sweet of you."

"I just call em like I see em dear, and you are a golden compass. You help guide everyone to the right path. You are a valuable asset and a vital part of your friends lives. Irreplaceable."

I like her a little more now.

It was another 20 minutes before the door to the study opened. In that time I learnt that Mrs Hobkirk lives alone. Her husband died during Riddle's first war. He fought valiantly and gave his life to save his wife and his son's. Her son passed away in June during the battle. She used to be a private tutor or wizard kids and now spends her time baking and spending time with her daughter-in-law and two grandkids - Arian and Aidan.

Mrs Hobkirk also has a little bakery in Diagon Alley she runs. Her daughter-in-law works there as a manager which has allowed Mrs Hobkirk to take a backseat in the business side of things and get back to baking which she loves best.

She agreed to help guard Azaleah as she read about her trial in the paper. And her appeal. She said that anyone who has been imprisoned in that place wrongfully deserved to be spoiled for a few months before having to go out into the world again.

She believed in Azaleah's appeal and was convinced that she would soon be cleared of all charges against her.

That's basically everything we learnt before Kingsley joined us in the kitchen.

"Tea or coffee sir?" I asked standing and flipping the switch to boil the kettle.

"Oh..em..tea would be lovely." He smiled but pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead.

I made the tea as Mrs Hobkirk began to faff over him, cutting him a slice of her apple pie and plating several cookies for him. I made tea for everyone and joined them at the table.

"Now first and foremost I want to apologise for Lucas. I had no idea you two had a history before we signed him up for -"

"We do not have a history. We know him. He was friends with my brother and I dated his friend. But he never acted like this until the last few months. He has been..."

"Practically stalking her!" Theo growled.

"He tells me he has taken an interest because he is worried about your relationship with Mr Malfoy."

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