The Makeover

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When we stepped out of the fireplace we entered a living room. It was beautifully decorated with two large squishy looking sofas. Everything was a cream colour from the sofa to the cushions and the walls.

It had a very homey feel to it. 

"Andy?" Mrs Malfoy called.

"Cissy? Give me a second I am changing Teddy."

Looking at the pictures of the wall and the side table I knew instantly whose house we were in. I had met this woman many times before. She was a friend of my mother's from school and my god-mother. The last time I saw her was at my mother's funeral.

Sure enough the gorgeous brunette came bouncing into the room with a baby in her arms. She looked very Narcissa, besides hair colour. They had the same piercing blue eyes and same high cheekbones.


"Hello Andromeda," I smiled.

She gave the baby to her sister before coming over and enveloping me into a hug. "My dear girl, how are you? You know I came to visit you a few weeks ago and your father...well he was in bad shape."

"You saw my dad?" A whoosh sound told me that Draco had arrived.

"I did. I tried to get in contact with you. He was...well...very ill."

"You mean drunk?"

"Yes. He said you had moved out?"

"Yes my trust fund kicked in and I bought a cottage. I couldn't stay with him any longer. You know he never wanted or loved me."

"Well I contacted St. Mungo's and they were sending people over to bring him in. He is there now. Getting sober."

"Good. It could be the making of him. Will you keep me updated on his progress?"

"I will of course. I know how difficult your relationship was."

"I had no idea you knew my aunt Andy," Draco said who had taken the baby out of his mother's arms.

It suits him. He looks good as a dad.

Snap out of it Raelyn. He is taken! You are angry with him remember.

"Em yeah...Andromeda is my godmother."

"You are?" Narcissa asked.

"Yes you remember my friend Rowan. This is her daughter."

"Oh yes I remember her. Little Hufflepuff girl?"

"That's my mum."

"Now my sweets...and I mean this with all the love I can muster... what in the name of Mike did you do to your hair?"

"Em I had a run in with -"

"My son's girlfriend apparently," Mrs Malfoy said rounding on her son.

"She is not exactly my girlfriend. She is a girl I am seeing. Was seeing."

"Was? Andy can you fix Raelyn's hair while I speak to my son about the company he keeps?

"I would be honoured," she mock bowed. "Step into my salon my lovely and I will give you a style that will make all the boys heads turn."

"No!" Draco shouted and we all turned to look at him. "I mean she doesn't need that. She just needs it put back the way it was."

Andy and Mrs Malfoy smirked at Draco who blushed furiously and turned his attention back to the baby in his arms.

"Well now, you have to tell me what that was," Andy giggled as she led me through the hall and down to what I assumed was a conservatory but what was actually a fully working hairdressing salon. 

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