Hexing & Humour

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I had given them all the voice of sheep...which they were by following this idiots lead.

Everyone around us erupted into either laughter or applause.

Professor McGonagall was making her way down towards us.

If I was going to say anything, now was the time.

"Who do you think you are to judge these boys without even knowing them?

Do you honestly think if there was even a trance of evil in their bodies that Professor McGonagall wouldn't have made sure they didn't set foot back in this school.

Or do you not trust the opinion of our headmistress?

It took real courage to come back to a school full of assholes like you. What? Are you so perfect that you never made a mistake in your life?

How very fortunate for you.

However considering I know that you Stephens fainted after getting a graze on your elbow during the battle and then proceeded to pretend to be unconscious so you wouldn't have to fight.

Daniels you hid in the trophy room the whole time. And Lisa I know you went home with the younger years saying you didn't care if Harry died or not but you weren't going to fight in a war for him.

Draco and Theo switched sides. They fought along side the rest of us while you lot proved to everyone what cowards you really were. And here I was thinking Gryffindors were loyal and brave.

The Slytherins are just as much a part of this school as anyone else. This stupid prejudice needs to stop. They are not evil or bad in any way.

They are good people. Funny, smart, loyal, kind and loving. I have made more friends in Slytherin this year than I have in any other house.

I trust each and every member of the Slytherin House. They deserve our respect and acceptance not our judgement.

You pick on them for no reason and then call them the bullies? It's ridiculous!

The war was a fight for freedom and yet you have learnt nothing. Everyone deserves to be here.

So wise up, pipe down and leave them alone!"

I leaned forward and grabbed on his tongue and twisted it. He screamed in agony. "And if I ever...EVER hear of you talking bad about Theo, Draco, any Slytherin or any student in general, well I will do a hell of a lot more than just enlarge your tongue."

I let go and stood back as another large deposit of pus flew from his nostrils.

I stepped back towards Pansy as everyone erupted into applause.

Then Professor McGonagall arrived. "What is the meaning of this?" She demanded looking around the crowd.

The idiot tried to speak with his enlarged tongue but the only sound was the fog horn.

"That's enough Mr Demsey. You need to head to the hospital wing to get that sorted. Then you will come straight to my office along with your -"

One of the boys 'baa'd'.

"Your sheep and we can discuss your punishment for your commentary. And also that opinion of me you do not trust."

She looked straight at me and I could see the corners of her mouth rise into a tiny smile.

She knew it was me. She knew I was responsible. She heard everything. And yet she did nothing about it.

"Now march all of you. No use crying Miss Abernathy. Maybe you should have thought about your actions before following along with your boyfriends vile words....oh come now you silly girl. Its just a little...um...well pus."

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