Castle Escape

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"Merry Christmas!"

Dracos voice was soft and so quite it was almost a whisper. It filled my body with warmth.

"Merry Christmas Draco." I smiled as I turned in the bed and kissed him. He looked like he had been awake a while, he was patting Bleu who was lying across his chest.

"What time is it?" I asked yawning.

"It's just after six. I've been up since five."

"What? Why?" Six was early in my opinion but five. No sane person would get up at such an ungodly time.

He shrugged. "Just my body clock I guess. I usually get up at this time at home and do a work out before breakfast."

"Ugh you get up early to exercise? Are you well?"

He answered by tickling me.

"The sun is due to rise in a few minutes. Want to watch with me?"

He looked practically giddy at he thought. How could I refuse such a cute face?

So we got dressed and wrapped up warm and tiptoed down stairs and out the back door.

He took my broom with him out of the utility room.

"You have a awesome broom. I'm actually jealous. I will have to buy myself one." He smiled as he mounted it and pulled me onto the front so I was sitting side saddle.

"But you have a good broom. Seamus commented on it at your match."

"Actually that one is a few years old. And I may have crashed it once or twice while at training. I mean it's decent but I will be wanting a new one soon."

Seems like I made a good choice in Christmas present.

"Hold on tight," he whispered as I wrapped my hands around his waist. He kicked off and zoomed off into the sky.

If I wasn't fully awake before I was now with the cold icy air whipping in my face.

I leant into Draco's chest and looked up to watch his face.

His hair was whipping his forehead as he flew and he had the widest smile on his face. He looked completly content.

We flew around for a few minutes with Draco showing off, doing loops and drops and zig zags just to make me laugh.

Then we rose higher. I'd never been so high up before on the broom. In fact I wasn't entirely sure how high one could go.

But as I wondered we seemed to move higher and up over the clouds. It looked like there was a blanket of white candy floss covering the ground.

I reached out and tried to grab some but it parted with my touch.

Draco leveled up so we were hovering and took one hand off to lift my chin up so I was looking into his eyes again before he leaned in and kissed me.

The kiss was even more breathtaking than the view.

After a few minutes he lowered us back again so we could watch the sun rise. He flew down at speed slowing down when my house came into view.

He landed softly on my roof and helped me off. We sat on the roof and he scooted closer, wrapping one arm around me and taking my hand in the other.

And we sat there, watching the sun rise over the hill.

The morning was cold and crisp but we were both well wrapped up. The sun peered over the hill flooding the fresh blanket of snow in a glow.

"I love watching the sunrise," he said.

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