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I tried all bloody day to get him alone. It wasn't an easy task. For one, Draco followed me wherever I went and Theo had a tenancy to follow Azaleah.

I was beginning to think I would have to ambush him.

Thankfully I got my chance after dinner. Pansy and Azaleah were playing cards and Blaise had just challenged Draco to a chess game.

Theo plopped himself on the sofa at the far end of the room...right next to me.

"I'm bored," he sulked.

"Good, because I need to have words with you." I breathed heavily. Each breath I took gave me a sharp pain in my chest. But I was learning to ignore it.

"I didn't do it!" He immediately said with a look of panic on his face.

I just rolled my eyes. "Let's head to the study." I offered. He looked a little hesitant but he stood up and held out his hand to help me up.

Draco looked up and raised his eyebrow in question as to what we were doing. I just shook my head, motioned to Theo and winked.

I was sure Draco had no clue what I meant but he just smiled and went back to his game.

Theo held my arm as he escourted me into the study. I sat on the arm chair by the fireplace, not wanting to disturb Bill and Nates work on my desk.

Theo sat opposite me.

"Alright what is with all the secrecy?" Theo asked with a smirk.

"I wanted to make sure everything was OK with you and Az?"

He looked defensive and shifted in his chair.

"I don't...I mean we are...I don't know what you are talking about Rae."

"Theo you know me right?" I said folding my arms.

"Yeah, you are one of my closest friends."

"So why are you lying to me?"

The colour drained from his face. "I'm not!"

I gave him a look basically saying I knew he was full of shite.

"Clearly you can see something I don't. Maybe I pissed Az off?" He muttered exasperated.

"I'm not seeing something up with Az. I am seeing something with you."

And he knew he was caught. He gave a heavy sigh.

"Do you want kids Rae?"

Not where I thought he was going with that.

"Yeah I do."

"And Draco too?"

"Yeah. We talk about it quite a bit."

"Do you know that Azaleah and I never discuss the future. Not properly. Not making plans or discussing what we want. Heck I didn't even know she wanted kids until earlier today."

"Well that's easily fixed. You can talk to her."

"I've tried!" He moaned. "Merlin help me I've tried. I even looked into buying the house over the road for us and she told me she had a home here. I asked her want she wanted to do when she graduated and she changed the subject."

"Ok." I tried to encourage him to continue.

"She tells you more than she tells me."

"She doesn't really," I defended but he cut me off.

"She does! And I know she is struggling. More than she let's on she is. She has nightmares band is terrified of being on her own. She is not OK but she won't let me help her. Or even tell me what's wrong. And she..."

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