Meeting Her

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By the last lesson of the day I was completely exhausted with a bangong headache and just wanted to curl up in bed with a book.

Unfortunately I still had the buddy class and then dinner to get through.

I couldn't explain it but I was nervous about sitting with Draco. He could be rude and unnecessarily mean and yet I found him somewhat charming.

It was infuriating.

I headed down to the hall lost in my own thoughts trying to come up with tactics to survive the next few hours.

Maybe if I kept him talking about himself he wouldn't need to focus on me and I could relax a little.

When I arrived at our table however there was a blonde girl in my seat. She was a fellow Ravenclaw but im the year below us. I didnt actually know her but the way she leaned over the table and was playing with Draco's hand, gave me the impression that she knew him.

"I've missed you Draco," she said while batting her eyelashes. She looked up at me and her who demeanour changed from innocent and sweet to a vixen ready to kill.

"Can I help you?" She glared at me.

"Em...we'll you're in my seat."

"And who are you?" She asked looking me up and down.

"Lay off her Sophie we are paired for this buddy system."

"Oh well I think Draco and I would like to be alone so if you could not be here that would be great."

"Where would you like her to go?" He asked.

"I could care less. She can go and sit with that loser guy I was paired with. His name is Nick...or Mick. Two losers together. Suits well. Maybe I could get McGonagall to let us swap."

Draco looked up at me with an apologetic look on his face.

"That's your cue to leave." The girl snapped at me. For a Ravenclaw she was bloody mean.

"Sophie don't -" he started but I interrupted him.

"That's ok. You should be with your girlfriend."

"She's not my-" but I turned on my heel and walked over to an empty couch.

Of course he has a girlfriend.

I pulled my book out of my bag again and began reading.

I was lost in the world of Jo March cutting her hair to pay for her mothers train ticket.

No matter where I was in the world or how upset I got, this book was my saving Grace. It meant more to me than nearly every possession I had.

I was so swept away by my book that I didn't notice anyone approach me until they sat down next to me.

"You shouldn't have left,"  Blaise said sitting down next to me.

"What? Why?"

"Because she is a right pain. She is only interested in Draco because she thinks you are interested in him."

"You've lost me."

"She is a sort of ex of his. I dont think they were ever offical but she broke up with him in 5th year and has been stringing him along ever since."

"Maybe she is different from the war? Maybe she wants to be with him." I mean I hoped not but I considering the luck I had - she probably was.

"She doesn't. Believe me."

"And you know because?"

"Because she spent last night in my dorm room."

I raised my eyebrows at him. Gross!

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