Morning After

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I woke up the next morning tangled in Draco's arms. He looked so peaceful lying next to me.

I was feeling very groggy and to be honest a little dizzy so I gave my head a little shake to focus my attention.

I snuggled back up and closed my eyes savouring this moment. That's when he reached up and brushed my hair out of my face. Then moved his fingers delicately down my neck, chest and lightly squeezed my -

"Feeling someone up in their sleep? There is a word for those kinds of people."

"I thought it was a fun way to get your attention. Besides you weren't sleeping."

"And what did you want my attention for?"

Instead of answering he moved do he was on top of me again.

I guess we were going for round 2.

And I was ok with that.


Draco POV

I was standing in Raelyns shower as the soap rinsed off me.

No one could wipe the smile off my face today. This girl...this angel was amazing in every way.

She was a complete lady during the day. She was polite, kind and cared about everyone.

She treated me like the last 2 years hadn't happened and helped me to realise that I was actually worthy of being treated as anything other than a scumbag.

And yet last night...Holy shit! Last night was incredible. She was everything that I could ever want.

I have had sex before. I'm not going to brag -

Who am I trying to fool?

I had quite a bit of sex in this school from a variety of different girls. But nothing ever came close to Raelyn.

She couldn't be more perfect if she tried.

As I stood smiling, the door to the bathroom creaked open. I was about to panic as I was standing stark naked in the shower and completely defenceless, when Raelyn opened the glass shower door and stepped in to join me.

She smirked as she stepped forward and kissed me before dropping to her knees.

What did I say about her not being able to be MORE perfect?

This girl is just full of surprises.

When we were finished (or rather I lost feeling in my legs from yet another unbelievably intense orgasm) we stepped out of the shower and got dried and dressed.

It was hard to believe all that we had got up to this morning and it was only 9.45am.

I took her by the hand as me made our way our of the dorm room and down stairs to Entrance hall.

On Sundays everyone usually had a lie in so all the 7th years were heading down to breakfast at the same time as us. We headed into the hall and over to our usual table but there was someone sitting there already sitting with their back to us.

The Buddy System.    *Complete* Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora