Plot Twist

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Draco gripped me tighter as someone in the room gave a whimper and the rest gasped.

"Sorry what?"

"It's a slow releasing spell. Basically it is attacking your organs very slowly but enough that your organs are deteriorating. They will eventually go into failure and if they won't survive."


This is not happening. It can't be. We haven't had any time together. We had our lives planned out. We had plans.

They couldn't take her away from me so soon.

"But there has to be something you can do?" Pansy cried.

Healer Wilkson sighed. "If I knew the spell I could. I could figure out a counter curse to reverse the effects. Even if we knew who cast it we could find out what it was. But if you have no idea who did it -"

Pansy sniffed.

"It would be like looking for a hair fibre in a stack of broomstick twigs."

"So there is a chance then?" Blasie asked his fists clenched. "If we find this person -"

Yes Blaise. Atta boy!

"If we find them and find out what the spell was - we can reverse it?" I finished.

"In theory yes but how -"

"Leave that bit to us." Blaise said.

"We WILL find them." I kissed the top of Raelyns head.

By hell or high water I will find whoever did this. And they will pay!

Kingley stepped forward. "You said it was slow. How long do we have?"

I wasn't sure I wanted to hear this.

Healer Wilkson shrugged.  "I can only guess as the progression based on what we have found now and how longs its even since the battle. I am estimating but I am going to say 4-6 months."

Only a fucking few months! Impossible!

"So 4-6 months," Kingsley repeated.

"But she will feel the effects before then. I'm afraid it's not going to be a pleasant year. I have no idea how to anticipate the side effects. She will have ok days and then bad days."

Kingsley turned to the boys. "You have the Ministry at your disposal boys. We will put together a team to research."

This man! I could kiss this man! I mean I won't obviously but I could. With his power and utilities...we may have a chance!

I stood up from the bed and moved to the Minster holding out my hand.

"Thank you sir." I smiled.

"It's Kingsley my boy and think nothing of it. I would do anything for this girl. She has become like a daughter to me in the short bit of time I've known her." He shook my hand.

I was going to save her! I had to save her.


I was trembling in the bed. 6 months seemed like so little time.

It seemed unfair but there was no point in dwelling on it. Actually until Blaise spoke his next sentence, I hadn't even registered the conversation going on behind me.

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