January Blues

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Soon everyone had gone home and the house was quiet.

Well it was until Theo came bounding into the living room.

"Did you see what Narcissa has done with everyone's bedroom's? Draco mate I think I'm a little on live with your mother!"

"You stay away from my mother!" Draco warned but he was smirking as he did.

"I'm glad you approve," Narcissa said as she entered the room.

Although my house had five bedrooms, two more were added to the top floor as guest rooms. Primarily where the guards slept when they came.

There was a conservatory added, which I admit I always wanted, and a whole side of the house was added to give more rooms downstairs.

Narcissa had designed it herself and I have to say she did good!

She was dressed in a long dark green night gown and fancy dressing robe over the top. Actually if it's wasn't for the fact that she was wearing delicate, fluffy heels as slippers you would think she was dressed to go to a gala.

Even this woman's bed clothes were glamorous.

"Oh I love your slippers!" Pansy smiled.

"Well I am glad dear. I left a pair in your wardrobe." She winked at her and Pansy clapped her hands excitedly.

"What did you do to our rooms?" I asked curiously.

She just smiled at me and tapped the end of her nose. I guess I would find out when I went to bed.

Draco gave me a squeeze as I leaned against his chest.

"Ready for school tomorrow doll?" He asked.

"Yeah I can't wait to go back and see everyone. Although it makes it easier to leave knowing that I get to come home in the evening again." I turned to Blaise and Pansy. "Have you decided what you are doing? Spending term in Hogwarts or travelling?"

"Travelling of course," they both answered in unison.

"Well remember you have to bring Hermione with you tomorrow Raelyn. You and Draco are home first and she is coming with you." Theo said.

"I know, don't worry."

"And I doubt Granger will let you forget." Draco smirked.

It was now well past 11pm as I stood up and gave a yawn.

"I don't know about the rest of you but I am wrecked!" I said stretching and yawning again.

"Bedtime love," Draco smiled as he held out his hand.

We bid everyone goodnight, hugging and kissing his mother and then climbed up the stairs and made our way into our room.

Well at least I thought it was our room.

Actually it was maybe twice the size it used to me. As well as a very large bed in the room (still the same style and colour as my other one) there was a bigger walk in closet and bathroom.

Against the fireplace there was now two couches and a coffee table.

A bay window replaced my old one and my easel was placed against it so I could look out to the garden as I painted.

Where the window used to be was a curved door, which, curiosity getting the better of me, I opened to reveal a small balcony, perfect for two with a little bistro set.

Duke's cage took up a whole corner of the room as it was so large. It wasn't necessary but I wanted him to have plenty of room. I hated the thought of him trapped in a tiny cage. I didn't even keep the door closed so he could fly in and out.

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