The Broom Cupboard

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Draco POV

I would recognise that voice anywhere. Bloody girl was a pain.

"Quick! This way!" I grabbed her bag which she thankfully had everything packed away in, her little fluffy squeaky thing and her hand and took off running, pulling her over to the staircase. 

"Where are we-"

"Shush..." I left a finger up to my mouth still not letting go of her hand.

At the bottom of the stairs I opened the small broom cupboard and pushed us both in, closing it behind me.

We would hear footsteps over our heads and that bloody annoying whiny voice calling my name.

I set her bag down and the little fluffy creature hopped inside and I held my ear up to the door to listen.

"Why are you hiding from your girlfriend?" She whispered quietly enough that I could only just hear her myself.

"She is not my all! She is a real pain."

"So why are you always with her then?"

I smirked at the remark. "Why? Are you jealous?"

Her face flushed red. It was a beautiful sight. 

"Of course not! I just meant why are you with someone you are not interested in?"

"I am not with her. I just can't get rid of her."

"Have you tried talking to her?"

"Yes...many usually ends...well it ends differently than I intend."

A flash of hurt seems to cross her face and I immediately regret what I said. Trouble is I can't seem to lie to her.

"I know my opinion doesn't count for much but if that's how it ends then I can't believe you really want it to finish," she tries to pass off a giggle but it comes across more like a huff and it is very cute.

"Are you always so critical of yourself?" I had noticed now that she always seems to put herself down and yet can see the best in everyone else.

It was enough to make me angry. It was like she didn't see how special she was.

"I didn't realise I was."

The sound of heels got louder as Sophie was obviously approaching. This time it was Raelyn who put her finger to her mouth to silence me and stepped in front of me to listen.

The broom closet was not exactly big. We could not move more than a step left or right . I was so close to her that I could smell her perfume. Jasmine. I knew it well as it was a scent on the toiletries my mother had for me. It was a favourite of my mother's.

I closed my eyes as her scent engulfed me. 


Raelyn POV

Did he just sniff me?

He was standing right behind me. So close I could feel his breath on my neck. It sent goosebumps down my arm.

Snap out of it idiot!

The heels outside where inching closer. Sophie was definitely looking for him.

Suddenly I grew scared that we would be found. I began to tremble as fear rose up inside me. 

What are you so worried about. Technically you are doing nothing wrong. Maybe it wasn't fear of being caught but fear of being alone...alone with a boy. This boy.

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