Meetings & Greetings

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"You? On a date? Really? Since when did Raelyn date and why wasn't I told?" I really dislike this lanky prick.

"Do I need permission?"

That a girl! That's my girl!

He laughed. "Not at all. I am a little disappointed you didn't wait for me, that's all."

Don't say anything Draco! Don't say anything! Do not tell him that he would not have been good enough for her anyway and to take his lanky ass, scruffy clothes wearing dick features somewhere else.

"Sorry," she smiled as she turned to Meyer again.

"We better get back to the castle. It was lovely to meet you again Meyer."

"It was an absolute pleasure to meet you. You and Draco. I do hope you will come back. I would love to get chatting to you both again."

"Oh we will be back," I smiled at him and grinned at Raelyn. I ignored dick features.

"Yes I would love to get another catch up. Why not owl me sometime?"

"You know I think I will do that." 

She bent down and hugged him after which he shook my hand. At least he has manners.

Dick features just glared at us.

"Ready?" I asked as I took the packages off the counter and held my hand out for hers.

"I am yes." She took my hand without any hesitation. "It was lovely to see you Lucas. I still can't wait to see Isabella."

"Oh you will...very soon." He muttered as we headed for the door. 

I opened it and held it for Raelyn to step through which she does without looking back. I do however to see Lucas scowling.

My mood suddenly lifted.

One, Raelyn didn't seem too bothered by seeing Lucas. No more so than she would any other friend. And I know he had more than friendship on his mind.

Two, she is still holding my hand. Which by now is sweating profusely but she does not seem to even notice it and if she is she is too nice to mention.

"So did you have fun?" she asked.

It was the exact question I was about to ask her so it takes me off guard.

"Oh...em...I really enjoyed myself. Thank you for agreeing to come with me."

"Thank you for not taking me in there," she laughs as she points Madame Paddifoot's Teashop.

I am actually eternally grateful that she didn't want to go there. To

"So you don't want to go there for our next date?"

"We are having a second date?" she asks smirking.

Aw shit you idiot!

"Oh...well...I mean -" I was a bloody idiot! I was supposed to ask her, not presume. Great! I had already fucking ruined it. "Sorry I-"


Raelyn POV

He was too cute. I really should help him here.

I stepped forward and kissed him. It was the only thing I could think of but in all honesty I really wanted to anyway.

It was a quick kiss but it worked. It shut him up. Stepping back I giggled at the look on his face. Shock and excitement all in one.

"Just tell me where and when." I smiled at him. 

The Buddy System.    *Complete* Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon