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It had now been three weeks since my diagnosis discovery.

The team had been working hard on trying to find an answer to the cure.

Azaleah was doing great with her schoolwork. It helped that she has Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick to study with. And Hermione who was more organised with her notes and timetables than any teacher.

She would be caught up with us in another week or two.

As for me? I was feeling more tired than ever before. Drained.

We had held a few more meetings in which Bill explained his findings from my curse.

Basically it was a made up spell. Either something that the culprit had been working on or something they had been taught recently.

Bill was working his ass off trying to break it.

We were all currently in the cabin in the garden. It was a Saturday morning and the team had arrived early and had all taken in turns to see the memory that Theo provided using Professor McGonalls pensive.

Last to view where Aled, Meyer, Hermione and Harry who were currently in the middle of their show.

Draco was pacing the room lost in thought.

Pansy and Blaise were compiling our suspects lists together onto a large board.

Azaleah was in the middle of a charms lesson.

Theo was sitting next to me. "You ok chick?"

"Tired as usual," I replied.

"You look a little pale. Do you need anything?"

"Im good. Thanks. How are you? I'm sure its easier now spending your evenings here than in school?"

"I would prefer us both to be in school but obviously that can't happen. So this is a pretty great compromise."

"Azaleah always seems more at ease with you around. She really loves you Theo."

"And I love her. More than I can explain."

"I know. Its obvious."

"Kind of like Draco feels about you."

I blushed at this. Secretly completely thrilled obviously.

"Draco and you really do make a great couple. Its like you were made for each other."

"I'd like to think so."

Theo moved slightly to look at me. "When you were with Wren, it always felt a little forced. Like you were uncomfortable around him...around us...but now you are truly shining. As your friend its amazing to see."

"Thanks Theo."

"Anytime my darling, anytime." He patted my back just as Harry and the gang emerged from the pensive.

"I have a theory," Hermione said calling everyone to attention. There was a real buzz and everyone gathered around.

Draco sat on an armchair and pulled me onto his knee. He began to circle his fingers around my knee, leaving goosebumps all over me.

"Ok Hermione, everyone is here," Harry started.

"Ok well, by now we have all seen the memory of what happened. I noticed a few things that I wanted to mention. So the first is that there were not very many people around at this point I managed to get a look outside and everyone in the courtyard was looking the other way. No one was close enough either to cast it."

"Well that's a great start," Mr Weasley encouraged.

"Well done Hermione," Pansy smiled as Hermione blushed.

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