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An hour later I was at home lying up on my own couch as Draco sat next to me with my legs over the top of him.

Hermione and Azaleah were studying in the office and the boys and Pansy were not out of school yet. There was shouting coming from the kitchen as Narcissa and Andromeda were trying to calm down Mrs Weasley who was insisting on writing another howler to Ron.

"How are you feeling love?" Draco asked kissing the top of my head.

"Better now that I am home. I am sorry if I worried you."

"You did but I forgive you because I love you."

I moved around and snuggled up to him again, against his chest and gave a contented sigh.



I could tell she was drifting off to sleep as her breathing got lower and heavier.

She really was exhausted.

It had been a pretty mental first day back. She really did scare the complete crap out of me.

My mother came into the room at that moment and I shushed her as she entered.

"Oh sorry," she whispered and tip toed across the room to sit on the chair next to the sofa.

"She's only just away over and I want her to get a good nap." I brushed her hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"I could watch the two of you all day. You really do love her, its obvious."

"I do. I worship her."

"It's so unfair that this is happening to her Draco. To you both." She gave a forced smile.

"We will get to the bottom of the curse. We have to...I...I can't lose her."

"And I will do everything to ensure that doesn't happen. The first thing to do is....visit your father."

"What? How can that help?"

"I am not sure it will but its worth a shot. Maybe he knows something we don't."

"You think he will tell you?"

She gave a sigh. Shamefully I never noticed before but the war had take its toll on my mother.

She prided her self on always looking immaculate and being the perfect house wife and hostess but since the war...she hasn't wanted any visitors and the only time she left the house was to come here.

She may look full of confidence but it couldn't be further from the truth. She was shy, lonely and really cared about pleasing everyone.

She had bags under her eyes and her usually prestige hair and clothes but a little less perfect than usual.

"I can only hope." She shrugged. "At least I would feel like I was doing something to help. I feel helpless. I know she is your girlfriend but she already feels like a daughter to me. I want to do everything I can to help her."

"We really appreciate what you have done," I smiled at her. "I would be lost without you."

"That's one thing I never have to worry about again. I know you're in good hands with this one."

Andromeda came into the room followed by Mrs Weasley who stood in front of us.

"I am sorry for my idiot of a son." She smiled.

"He didn't technically do anything. I don't think he meant what he said about her dropping dead."

"That is besides the point. I think Hermione is right. He needs a bit of help."

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