Heart to Heart

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"YOU ASSHOLE!" Blaise jumped up from the bed and ran around to Draco, grabbing him by the throat and pinning him to the wall. 

"Blaise!" I think everyone shouted at once. 

"She needed you! You selfish prick! She needed you and you bolted like a fucking coward. What the hell is wrong with you? I thought you had changed. I thought you had become a decent person!"

"Blaise mate, you are choking him." Theo said trying to pry Blaise's hands from around Draco's neck. 

Draco who was turning red and making chocking and gasping noises. 

"She has already taken the first of her cure potions. You weren't here. Off snivelling in a corner somewhere? How the fuck could you? She loves you, you complete ass!"

"Blaise!" Pansy snapped. 

He turned to look at her. Seething. 

"What? You were here. She looked heartbroken. He did that to her."

"I know but you can't kill him. I have not had my coffee and I have no patience for a trip to The Ministry right now to bail you out of Azkaban." Pansy looked deadly serious as she spoke. 

Blaise looked back to Draco and then rolled his eyes and loosened his grip. 

Draco clutched his throat and bent over to catch his breath.

I stood up out of the bed and grabbed the monitor stand for support, using it to manovere myself around the room.

Draco then stood up straight and took a breath to speak. Only to be met with my right hook. 

Right to the face. 

"Holy fuck!" He groaned as he bent over again. This time there was blood spurting from his nose. 

"That is for leaving!" I shouted and rubbed my knuckles.

Punching is not like in the movies I discovered.

It hurt like a mother trucker! "Ow!" I mumbled checking the red patch that was now appearing on my hand.

"Rae!" Draco stepped closer and took my hand examining it. "Are you ok? Does it hurt?"

Asshole he may be but he was still my Draco and I did feel guilty for how he was being treated.

He bent down and picked up my wand which must have fallen in the chaos.

I took it and muttered a spell to clean him up and to fix the damage caused to his face. Then, I grabbed his jumper and pulled him into me kissing him. 

"That was for coming back!" 

"Alright Jo March, enough action for you for now. Back into bed," Azaleah said as she pulled me back by the waist and over to the bed, before helping me in and pulling the cover up around me. 

The large smirk never left her face. 

"I am fully aware that I was a dick for leaving. I have absolutely no excuse for it and I will never forgive myself that I was not here for her ok?" Draco shouted. "I was a coward who could not stand by and watch as she was in pain. It broke me and I know that what she was going through was 10 times worse but like I said I was a coward."

"Yeah you were," Pansy snapped and folded her arms. 

"Where the fuck did you go?" Azaleah asked. She was sitting next to me in the bed, acting like a barrier between myself and Draco. 

He had not made a move towards me yet. 

"I went to school...I needed to calm down...clear my head."

"For hours?"

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