Christmas Presents

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"Do you even have to ask?" I laughed as Theo practically bounced off the sofa.

"Only one each," Andromeda warned.

"It's our turn to keep the tradition going," Narcissa smiled at me. She lent across and squeezed my hand.

This woman is an angel! No wonder Draco loved her so much!

"Well I'm going first!" Theo pouted. "How about we chose a present for someone else to open? That way it's a complete surprise."

"Ok honey. Whatever you want." Azaleah smiled at him.

Theo, who had been bouncing in the edge of his seat suddenly dived for the presents under the tree. He closed his eyes and stuck his hand in.

There were a whole stack of presents under the tree. There had to be at least 50 or 60. Various shapes, sizes and colours gleamed out under the twinkling lights from the tree.

He looked a sight, to be fair, his butt in the air digging deep under the tree.

"This one," he shouted pulling one out. "It's my main man Teddy." He smiled and passed the present to Andromeda.

"Oh Teddy bear your first present! And it's from your aunt Cissy." Andromeda smiled warmly at her sister.

She tore the wrapping slightly and gently placed it into Teddy's little hands to allow him to tear some himself as Azaleah snapped pictures.

"Ohh Teddy, it's a beautiful storybook for bedtime. Aw and a gorgeous outfit and shoes. Thank you Cissy." She leaned across and hugged her.

It was heart warming to see these two reconcile after years apart. It was like no time had passed between them.

"You are more than welcome. And you too sir," she giggle tickling the little boys feet causing him to scream in delight.

"Ok Andy you chose one now," Theo said.

She leant down and scooped up on at her feet.

"It's for Draco," she said passing it to his mother who passed it onto him.

He lifted the tag. "It's from Blaise." He explained as he untied the ribbon on the box and opened it. "Aw class! It's season tickets to see the Holyhead Harpies. My favourite team."

"That's because they are all hot looking women." Theo scoffed.

Draco turned to me. "Sorry love."

"Not a bit. They are my favourite team too. And I agree, those girls are hot!"

He raised his eyebrows and Theo's mouth dropped open. He wasn't expecting that reaction.

"Ok well I choose...this one." He gestured to a flat one lying on the floor. "It's for Azaleah."

"Me? Thanks!" She took the gift and ready the card. "It's part one of...oh Merlin four! It's from Rae." She winked at me and tore open the wrapping.

It was a painting. It just so happened it was from the Christmas she mentioned earlier. Its me, her, Nate and Cedric sitting in the snow in my back yard by a campfire Cedric built. Toasting marshmallows.

I'd started it ages ago and had been working on it during my free periods at school.

"Oh Rae! I love it!" She threw herself at me and hugged me tightly. "It's one of the things that made that Christmas special. We were a family. My sister and two brothers. This means so much to me."

She touched Cedric's face delicately and held the painting up to hug it. She then turned for everyone to see.

"Rae I forgot how skilled you are!" Andromeda smiled.

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